
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Precious Lamb of God

“Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

I read this verse as part of my daily bible reading this morning. I know that I have read it many times and probably so have most of you. But this morning, it just really spoke to my heart with the magnitude of what this actually means. I read it afresh. I read it with a new understanding. I read it with a new appreciation. It just flooded through my soul that this is mercy.

When we align ourselves with Christ and we enter into a full relationship of repentance and obedience with Him – we will never be the same. We don’t want to ever be the same. We become a changed and new creation. We become visibly different.

Just like a butterfly breaking free from the cocoon that binds him, we break free from the cocoon of this world and emerge a new, beautiful creation in Christ. We have been changed from old to new. From death to life! From defeat to victory! From sinful to forgiven.

We have been given the sweet gift of mercy. As the old things pass away we now have unlimited access to the new things.

New affections..
New actions..
New desires..
New appetites..
New relationships..
New life..
New love..

Through Christ, He enables us to make the transformation. He has provided the way. But it’s up to us to spread our wings and leave the confines of the cocoon of the world. The transformation is more than just an outward change, it is an inward reformation. We have been given the chance to have new life in Christ. We have been given the ability to be reconciled with Him and receive the forgiveness we can’t earn and the mercy we don’t deserve. Through Him, our sins have been washed away and we are cleansed and made whole.

“For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21)

As Christ became sin for us on that cross, we immediately were given the opportunity to become new creations. As the Lamb of God took on our sin, we became spotless. Righteousness has been imputed TO us and then implanted IN us. We have been made fully justified through Him. Freely justified! We have been made the righteousness of God! Hallelujah! I don’t know about you but that just excites me! As my husband would say, “If that don’t light your fire, your wood must be wet!!”

We can never earn this grace. We can never earn His mercy. But we can accept it and embrace it and live for Him.

Praise you, Lord for your never ending mercy. Thank you, Lord, for so freely giving up your life on the cross at Calvary for me. Thank you for enabling me to become a new creation. Thank you for giving me new life. I love you and I will seek you and find you and love you more and more.



Denise said...

Sweet mercy it is that pours down upon us - an anointing of new life. A gift that is more precious than contents that were poured our from an alabaster jar.

Rejoicing with you! 'cuz my wood isn't wet! **smile**


LisaShaw said...

Absolutely beautiful Beth. God is good. I love the photo as well.

~Sandy said...

This is a wonderful post. I needed it today:)
Hugs, Sandy

Unknown said...

Wonderful post - as usual. :o)

By the way...the cute little lamb pic you chose? I wish I had that much spring in MY step! LOL!

Laurie said...

AMEN! We will never be the same- how amazing and wonderful this is.
Your picture touches my heart. It reminds me of how we are in His eyes! Beautiful post sister.
Love to you, Laurie

Beth in NC said...

Amen my friend! And you're right about it lighting a fire! I hope there is no wet wood around here!


Every Day Blessings said...

Beautiful Post! So often we hear those words and don't take them literally, all things do become new!
I love the way that you make it so personal and real for all of us to share.

Yolanda said...

Oh Beth, I don't ever want to be the same either, I want to be what Christ intended me to be.


Sue said...

What a true post. And the FUNNIEST lamb picture I've seen!

petrii said...

What a beautiful post!!! He who knew no sin became sin for me ~~ that one always gets me.

Love you friend,

Unknown said...

Thank you Beth for visiting and leaving a blessed comment. I remember seeing your blog header before....was it by Edie? Maybe that's where I saw it. Very nice! Anywho, you're welcome to stop by anytime you'd like. The door is open.

MiMi said...

What a beautiful post! I am so thankful that I am a new creation in Christ Jesus!

Thank you for stopping by my blog and for leaving me such a sweet comment. It's so nice to meet another blogging grandmother.

I hope that you will stop by again often and I will be keeping my eye on you, as well!

Jennsmere said...

Praise be to the Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world! (Oh I love that...the foundation of the world! Before even time began, the plan was in place!)

Great post, sweet Beth...

PS...I love the picture...when we lived in Scotland there were sheep farms all around...we called them woolly jumpers! This time of year was the lambing season and the little ones were such a delight to see.

Beth E. said...

Thank you for this post. I needed this reminder today!


Jennifer @ said...

Isn't it something how those familiar Scriptures can jump fresh off the page sometimes? The word of God is truly alive and active.

May you be blessed in your ministry here at "An Instrument 4 His Glory," as you are clearly blessing others who stop by here.

And thank you for dropping by Getting Down With Jesus. It was nice to hear of your Iowa ties, too. :-)

A Stone Gatherer said...

Amen! Praise the Lord for his Mercy!

valerie said...

Great post Beth. I agree with your husband. "If that don't light your fire, your wood must be wet." That's so good.
Have a blessed day!