Are you struggling in your walk today? Have you allowed yourself to get lazy in the study of the Word of God? Have you allowed yourself to neglect your prayer time?
Many of us have been in this exact position in our lives at one time or another. It is easy to allow our spiritual walk to grow sluggish over time. Because the truth is that it takes an effort on our part to keep it active. It takes a real determination of our spirit to make God the priority in our life.
We let the world bog us down and we allow the things of the world to come in and snatch that first place position from the rightful One. We let our priorities get all out of whack and we began to seek the things of the flesh instead of the things of the Spirit. We begin to neglect our Creator and begin to spend time worshiping the creation instead. And slowly, our time with Him gets less and less until we barely acknowledge His existence at all. We don't pick up His Holy Word. We don't engage in prayer with our Savior. We don't give Him a second thought. Until the crisis comes.
And believe me, it will come. If we are breathing, we will experience hard times in this life. We can count on that. We will become 'stuck' in this life and need someone to set us free. And that Freedom-giver is Jesus.
We should never be ashamed to admit that we need God. We should never be ashamed to admit that we have struggles in this life. Sometimes I think that we equate being needy to weakness. And in the flesh that is not a good thing. But to be needy in the Spirit is to be right where God desires us to be!
We are lacking, sinful, broken and in need. In our brokenness, we find God. And in that place is where God wants us to long for Him. Oh, how He desires for us to long! The scriptures tell us we are like a deer panting for the water! Over and over His precious Word tells us to seek Him!
God desires for us to see our sin and our weakness. He wants us to acknowledge it. And then He wants us to sit at His Feet, give it to Him and drink in His mercy and grace.
For any who are struggling, just look up to the heavens and begin seeking a new and revived relationship with the LORD. It is never too late to begin seeking. It is never too late to begin anew. It is never too late to receive the new mercies that He promises in His Word.
Get away from all distractions and get out the precious scriptures. Sit at the feet of Jesus and allow Him to minister to your spirit. Rise from there with a newly purposed heart to keep God number one in priority. You will never be the same...
"As God is exalted to the right place in our lives,
a thousand problems are solved all at once." - (Andrew Murray)