"Also I heard the voice of the Lord,
saying, Whom shall I send, and
who will go for us? Then said I,
Here am I; send me"
(Isaiah 6:8)
The great commission. Even back in the days of Isaiah. God's plan has always been and will always be for us to go forth and spread the gospel of the Good News. What is the Good News? It is Jesus. It was Jesus back then and it is Jesus now.
It is our responsibility as Christians, to tell people everywhere about His Son and about salvation. I don't understand how a people that possesses such a great Lord and Savior can be quiet about that possession. It makes no sense to me. We have tasted of the glory of God. We have encountered a glorious and good God and Savior. We have experienced the manifestation of His Presence in our lives. And yet, we keep silent. Lord, help us.
It's certainly easier not to go. It's easier to stay in our comfort zones and just kick back and live life. But that isn't what the Word tells us to do. The Word says, "go". He says it more than just one time. I know that when my God speaks, He speaks to be obeyed. He doesn't speak just to be heard.
In less than 8 hours, I will be aboard a plane that will take me on the first leg of my flight to Africa. By this time tonight, I will leave Atlanta and be flying over the ocean and headed toward Johannesburg, South Africa where I will be only a short plane ride away from our destination of Malawi.
Why am I going? Because my God told me to. Do I like to fly? That would be a huge and very loud 'No'. I hate flying. I am scared to death of flying. It makes me nauseous and it makes me anxious and I do not like it at all. But God told me to go so that is exactly what I am doing.
We will be staying at an orphanage that houses 54 children and we will be doing several days of bible school with those children. We will also be going out into at least 3 villages to do some bible stories and games with the children there. We will have as many as 500 children in one village. That is awesome and amazing and a little overwhelming. I pray that God uses what He has put upon my heart to bring to them in a way that only He can. I pray that He takes the pitiful offering of my lips and turns it into a huge harvest for Him. He can do that, because that is who He is. I can't wait to see what God is going to do in our team and through our team.
We are all yielded to do whatever it is He leads us to do. We are surrendered to be His hands and His feet. We are ready to see God do wonders and miracles in a country that so desperately needs them. I don't want to miss anything that God has for me. So, I look up to my God and my Savior, and I utter these words, "Here I am, Lord, send me..."