God never ceases to amaze me. He is just so good in all He does. Even when you find yourself on the other side of where you want to be, He is good. Even when the path of life you were on suddenly detours and takes you in a different direction, He is good. Even when you don't know which way to turn, He is good. You know how I know I this? Because it isn't about what God does. It isn't about what is happening in your life or my life at any given time. It isn't about circumstances. It is strictly about the fact that God is good because that is who He is!
Our God desires the best for us. That doesn't always line up with what we think is the best for our own selves, but it always lines up with His divine plan and His purpose for our lives. And we just have to know that and embrace it and be satisfied with it. It's not always easy, but in His goodness, He makes a way for us. He is there to shelter and protect and guide and comfort. He is there to cover us and give us that calm assurance that only comes from Him.
When we are children of the King, there will be times of testing. There will be trials and temptations. There will be detours. And crossroads. His Word tells us this. And His precious Word also gives us instructions that we need to be able to navigate those rocky roads and those uncertain twists and turns along life's highways. Because He is just that good.
Our Father is the Potter. And as the clay in His mighty hands, we simply have to yield to the demands put upon us by His powerful grasp. And once those amazing Hands have molded us to the shape that He desires, there is still more to the process that must take place. Before the molded vessels that we have become emerge sturdy and stable, we must tried by fire.
"But He knoweth the way that I take,
when He hath tried me, I shall come
forth as gold"
(Job 23:10)
There are many reasons that Christians go through times of testing and trial. Reasons that are very important and vital at times for our spiritual progress. Because the truth of the matter is that it's in those uncertain and unsettling times that we grow. That is where God can do mighty things in our lives. That is where God can stretch us. But most importantly, it is during those times that we begin to really seek God and His face. Any time we are facing mountains that seem too high to climb, we seem to more diligently search for a more intimate relationship with our Lord. Those trials cause us to realize how much we need our Savior and at the same time they cause us to realize just how little we know Him.
So we seek. And we go face-down in desperate search for a revelation of spirit. We begin to crave a deeper relationship with the King of kings. We delve into the depths of His precious Word and we glean amazing nuggets of truth that move us. We begin to desire to know Him like never before. And when He begins to speak to our hearts, it just whets our appetites for more of Him.
Soon, those times of testing just don't seem nearly as scary and unsettling as they did before. And they don't seem nearly as impossible to navigate through. And we seem to be handling those road bumps in a very different way than ever before.
We sense a new calmness surrounding our hearts. We feel a warm blanket of serenity wrap around us. We begin to trust our Savior in ways that we could never imagine would be possible. God begins to speak to our spirits and we begin to recognize that voice and hear it!
And then we see His purpose for our rough journey. We embrace it. We welcome it. We learn to put our trust and faith in Him. We surrender our lives to our Jesus and rest in the assurance that indeed, He is good.
Because that is who He is.