Are we stirred deep inside by the Word of God?
Are we consumed by spiritual hunger for more of Him?
Do our ears hear with excitement?
If you have ever read Psalm 119, you know that the author had no problem expressing his love for God. He had no trouble letting the feelings deep in his heart be known through his writing. He had a love for a God that He had never seen and this love penetrated down to the very marrow of his bones.
He talks of hiding the Word down in his heart to keep himself from sin. He talks of God opening his eyes to see the wonderful truths of the law. He says the Word revives him!
The author desires to be taught the precepts of the Lord, and he wants understanding of His teachings.
"LORD, you are mine! I promise
to obey your Words!" (Psalm 119:57) NLT
Do our hearts cry out like this? Oh, LORD, you belong to me! You are my portion!
Truly, that is what we must express from deep down in our spirits to our God! He has to be exciting to us! Our hearts must be stirred down deep by His precious Word! Our ears must receive this with eager anticipation of what we will hear!
I fear that we have lost that first love that we once had for God. We have become accustomed to the things of the world giving us our satisfaction and our security and so we put God on the back burner until times get tough.
How in the world has this happened? I think it is because of excess. We have too much. Too much entertainment and too much stuff. Too many toys and too many things that take priority over God. We spend too much money on things that don't matter. We spend too much time doing things that don't amount to a hill of beans. Too much time pleasing self and not near enough time growing self in Him.
It's time to renew our purpose in Christ. It's time to begin delighting ourselves in the Word of God and not in the world.
It is time for us believers to allow Him to amaze us once again!
"And they were all amazed at the
mighty power of God..." (Luke 9:43)
Oh, let's be filled with wonder at the very mention of His name! Let's be in awe of the works of His hands! Do we know Him enough to be filled with amazement at the very notion of who He is? If not, then let's get to know Him more! Read His Word! Study the scriptures! Spend some time face down before Him and ask him to reveal Himself to you in a new and life-changing way!
His Words are sweet in our mouth. It guides us and directs us. It lights our path and keeps us heading in the right direction. His Word is TRUTH. His Word gives light. His Word is LIFE!
Spend some time in quiet reflection and ask God to stir your heart with a desire for His Word. Ask Him to fill you with wonder at the very mention of His name. Pray that you will crave Him and His Word more than anything else and that it will bring life to your dead spirit! If we long for Him, He will come to us. He will pour out upon us in ways that we never dreamed possible. And when He does, we will be changed forever!
"Thou are my hiding place and my shield;
I hope in thy Word" (Psalm 119:114)