"And the priests could not enter into the house of the LORD,because the glory of the LORD had filled theLORD's house" -- (2 Chronicles 7:2)
After Solomon's prayer of dedication for the completion of the temple, fire came down from heaven and the glory of the LORD filled the house! The glory was so thick that it prevented the priests from being able to enter in and minister to the people. What was their response?
* They bowed themselves low.
* Their faces were to the ground.
* They worshiped. Oh, how they worshiped!
* The gave the LORD the praise He was so due!
Humbly, they prostrated themselves before the LORD. Bowed their hearts down low and bent their knees to fall before Him in awe of who He was. In pure wonder of His glorious splendor. They couldn't even stand in His presence. They could only fall to their faces and begin to acknowledge His Holiness. His majesty. The pure, overwhelming and astounding essence of the glory of God.
They worshiped the LORD. They praised His name. For He is good and His mercy endures forever. The overwhelming beauty of His Holiness should stun us! It should propel us into worship. Cause us to bend our knees and fall prostrate before His very presence.
Oh, God, we want to worship you in that way! We ask that you come and enrapture us with your presence. Captivate us with the wonder of who you are and cause us to fall on our faces in pure, unadulterated worship of your majesty and your glory! You are beautiful beyond description! Too marvelous for words! Thank you for allowing us little glimpses every day of the majestic splendor of your beauty and glory.
GLIMPSES of GLORY this week
Mercie and her little cousin Laylah.
Mikaela and her sweet cousin - she is such a nurturer!
Thank you Lord, for my grandbabies love of books! Thank you that I can read to them and that they can hear! Thank you that they can enjoy the wonderful world of learning that you so lovingly provide!
Thank you Lord, for blessing me for now, with these.