I am so blessed to be a Nana. I never knew what an amazing and awesome experience it would become. I have enjoyed every second being a grandparent and each added grandchild just makes it better and more fulfilling. God has been so good to me and I stand in awe of all that He has accomplished in my life.
He has blessed me to be able to be a huge part of my grandchildren's lives. My girls have always been close and they are each other's very best friends. Ashlie and Megan have been able to spend a lot of time together and so their children are very close cousins and friends. Bryton asked Ashlie the other day, "Mama, how long have Mercie and I been best friends?" That really blessed my heart.
I have been there for all of my grandchildren's births. I have been there for all the major milestones in their lives. I have seen them all sit up for the first time and take their first tentative steps. I have seen them get their first teeth and lose their first teeth. I have been with them through illness and I have with them through their healing. I have read countless books and told millions of stories. I've tucked many a sweet grandchild into bed at night and been there many times to see those precious faces first thing in the morning. I've whispered many "I love you's" and heard just as many of those sweet words echoed back to me. I have felt sweet little hands around my neck in hugs that just can't be described in words.
I love my grandchildren. I am so thankful that my precious Lord entrusted me with those sweet babies. Oh, how they have enriched my life.
I haven't seen my oldest daughter, Megan, and her precious 4 little ones in 4 weeks. They are in Pennsylvania working on a pipeline job and I miss them. I will see them soon as I have another grandson due in about 8 weeks, but for now I certainly miss those angelic children that have been such a big part of my daily life for a long time.
Melissa is back in Boston after a very short visit a few weeks ago. She will be home in a few months for another brief visit before starting her fall semester. I miss her and will be glad when she moves back closer to home!
My youngest daughter Ashlie and her family have only been gone 2 days and I miss them. They are in Illinois on a pipeline job and I am counting the days until I can visit. I did get to see Laylah Beth take her first steps the day before they left. Three little steps but oh, so important ones! Thank you Lord for gracing me with that!
The days before they all left were spent making many more memories. I just want to be thankful for what God has bestowed me with for now and be ever mindful of the brevity of our life here. We aren't promised tomorrow so we need to live our today's walking in His ways and enjoying the blessing of each day. May I never take another day for granted.
"My flesh and my heart faileth; but God
is the strength of my heart, and
my portion for ever"
(Psalm 73:26)
My sweet Mikaela... where did that little baby girl go... she is such a precious young lady.
Mikaela and Eli - sister and brother and good friends. Thank you sweet Lord for that.
Bryton and Sawyer - buddies for life. I love these boys so much!
Mercie, Bryton and Eli - the 3 stooges... Mercie is not going to get too far away from her cousin Bryton at any given time. She adores him. And Bryton adores his cousin Eli...
My amazing granddaughter Mikaela. Have I mentioned that I love her?
And my adorable little Eli.... Have I mentioned that I love him, too??
Sweet Silas! I love his big boy haircut. I just love this little fella!!
Oh, my, little Laylah Beth - I love that girl!
The five oldest cousins waiting for the big slide to blow up!
Be still my heart - this little girl just makes me melt!!!
Laylah and her first steps!!
Ashlie and Megan - sisters and friends... I do love those girls!
My darling middle daughter, Melissa. I love her!
Thank you sweet Jesus, for blessing me for now, with these.....