This past month has been such an amazing journey in growing my faith. November 6, 2011 is a day that I will never forget and I pray that God will keep it burned in my mind for all time as a reminder of His greatness and His power and His sweet goodness. That is the day that He reached down from heaven and placed His gentle healing hands upon my sweet granddaughter, Mercie, and made her whole. It was a day that I held a miracle in my arms as I cried out to Him for mercy on my sweet girl.
Many times during this past 4 weeks, God has had to whisper the words 'remember' in my ear. When my flesh allows the dark shadow of fear to creep into my mind, He takes me back to that day when I knew that something amazing had just happened. I knew that He had healed her. I felt it. The power that surged through her little body was unmistakable. And I knew.
I have praised my Savior every day for her healing. I am still in awe of Him and His goodness. I continue to stand on the promise of His Word and to lean on what I know to be true. I have no doubt what He did in her little life and I am humbled by it daily. My flesh is still so weak, but everyday I pore over the Holy scriptures desiring to gain strength from them. I search for truth and revelation. I seek a fresh anointing of knowledge and discernment.
I have been so disappointed in myself as I have so often lapsed into a state of mind bordering on unbelief, but every time God has shown me such grace and patience. He has been right there to quicken my thoughts to the truth of who He is. And the truth of what He does. And then I wonder why I would ever doubt. Why would I counter what I know to be the work of His Sovereign and Divine will with doubt. Why would I even entertain thoughts of fear. But then I realize that of my own depravity and weakness of flesh, I can do nothing but that. And that only through the power of the sweet Holy Spirit, can I walk boldly in my faith. I can only draw strength from the giver of this strength. My Savior. My Lord. My Rock. My Deliverer. Only through Him and His precious power and generous dispensing of grace can I function in this life. But because of who He is, I can KNOW. I can BELIEVE. I can rest in the promise of what I know to be TRUTH.
I go back to the book of Ezekiel and focus on the words that God spoke to the dry bones. Over and over I repeat these words until they become part of me. Until they soak way down into the marrow of my bones and fill me to overflowing with a deepening knowledge of the Holy.
".... and you shall know that I AM the LORD."
(Ezekiel 37:6)
I love it when Mikaela stays with me. She is such a precious and sweet young lady with a heart for God. She is growing up way too fast and she loves to cook! She made this delicious pecan pie before church a few weeks ago when she spent the night with me and her Papa.
She loves her little cousin Laylah Beth. She is so gentle and sweet with her. I love my Mikaela.
I love the many faces of Eli. He is a laugh a minute and can melt my heart in about 2 seconds.
This face makes me smile. He is such a sweet and amazing little boy.
Eli loves his big sister, Mikaela. They have always been good friends and I pray that they will love each other like that always.
I love my sweet Mercie. She brings much joy to the world with her sweet personality. She is a Nana's girl and there is nothing as precious as her little arms wrapped tightly around my neck and hearing her say, "I love you so much Nana!"
Oh, how I love this little miracle girl.
I love my sweet Silas. He is such a mama's boy, but loves his Nana too! He has the sweetest little smile that makes his whole face light up.
I loved the way Silas and Mercie were so intently watching their newest little cousin Laylah the other day.
I love my little Bryton. He is so sweet with his little sister and he is such a tender-hearted little fella. He talks about God all the time and is a real deep thinker for a 4 year old!
I love my Sawyer. He is still a baby in some ways, but in others he is wanting to be like his big brother. He has a sweet voice that can make me want to give him anything!
I love my newest little grandbaby. Such a sweet little delicate girl with a smile that has already stolen my heart.
Thank you, Lord, for blessing me for now with these. You have given me much more than I deserve and I love you with all of my heart. I will strive every day of my life to live worthy of my calling and to bring nothing but glory and honor to your Name.

What a beautiful array of blessings & gratitude. I can't help but think of His invitation to "be still and know ...".
HI there, Loved seeing your grands as always, they are so precious. The Lord has been rich to us my friend with the blessings of such little angels. Hugs to you today.
What a wonderful NaNa you are! And such sweet babies. What a blessing to see you love your family!
Beautiful post Beth! Such sweet pictures!
Remembering...ahh...a path I'm on too...hmmm imagine that?! I started Beth Moore's James study, and she had us do a time line...mine went back to's pretty amazing to "remember" all He has done..and how He has grown me.
Your grand children are beautiful Beth, as are you! Love ya sister-keep on walkin the walk!
Hello Beth,
Nice to meet you. I found you via another's blog. :) How fun to see you enjoying your kids and grandkids, and wrestling to remember the bigness and power of God. I understand. :) I saw the photo of you and Beth Moore. Did you do her study on Believing God? It is so powerful! She speaks of the cycle that we can fall into of not seeing big things of God so we don't ask for bold things from God, and thus we don't see big things from him... etc. sometimes. It convicts me.
What was the neat story of God's healing for your granddaughter?
Jennifer Dougan
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