Has God stunned you lately with who He is? Do you consistently stand in awe of Him?
If we are wholly committed to Him and to His powerful WORD, we will be awed by Him. If we are feverishly digging into the Holy Scriptures like a person searching for buried treasure, we will be stunned by what He reveals of Himself. There is so much that He desires to teach us and to bestow upon us, if we will just take the time to seek Him with our whole hearts.
Joshua 3:5 says, 'And Joshua said unto the people,
sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD
will do wonders among you"
God calls us to be sanctified. It is what He created us for. He desires for us to be consecrated to Him and for Him. That is our calling.
If we want to be stunned and awed by our God, we must be seeking to consecrate and sanctify ourselves. We must be aspiring for holiness. Then, as the Word says, He will do wonders among us!
How do we become sanctified and consecrated to the Lord? We offer ourselves to Him. We submit our desires and our wants to Him and replace them with what God desires of us and for us. It is about total surrender. Daily repentance. Obedience. It's about wanting only what God wants for us. Setting aside our fleshly desires and allowing the Holy Spirit to work.
We must lay it all down at the altar. At the precious feet of Jesus. Offering ourselves as a living sacrifice to the One who is worthy and sacrificed His life for us. When we reach the point of surrendering it all to Him, we need to be ready to receive the precious Spirit of God in our lives and allow the imputed righteousness of Christ to overwhelm us! To spur us on to living a life that pleases the Father. We need to be prepared to allow God the freedom to move in our lives in a way that we can experience the awesome truth of who He really is. The truth of who He wants us to be and the reality of who He wants to be in us.
And then, we are going to be stunned and awed at who we can be in Him. We will see His power at work in our lives and begin to tap into the abundant and spirit filled life He intends for us.
God wants to set our entire life ablaze with His love that we might be sanctified and consecrated to Him. That He might begin to do wonders in our life that will stun us beyond measure. So we can truly stand in awe of our Lord. He is worthy.

Beth, I love your last paragraph that He wants to set us ablaze with His love. How incredible, I say Amen, yes Lord.
xxxooo Noreen
It's good to be stunned, isn't it? I don't think about that much, but it certainly puts into perpective our understanding of God's nature. It also puts lukewarmness to flight.
Great post!
"hrtnsol"(heart and soul)...the license plate this morning. I love how He's always communicating to us! Set our lives ablaze with your love Lord...flowing freely through us!!
Love ya Beth...hrtnsol
I. Stand. Amazed. At all that God has done. At all that He is. At all that He eternally will be. I. Stand. Amazed.
Amazing words. My prayer daily as well... Set my heart ablaze! Thanks for sharing Julie
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