(My beautiful mom and beautiful sister - they bring joy to my heart! Look at the smile on my sisters face right before she headed to chemo #7... what an inspiration she is to me.)
Oh, how we take this life for granted. This precious gift of life that God has so graciously bestowed us with. And we just don't appreciate it to the full extent that He intended for us. Many times we get so bogged down in this thing we call living, that we really fail to fully comprehend just what real living is. I mean, we know deep down that our life on earth is just a vapor. James tells us in his wonderful and powerful book that 'You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes". We hear it but we don't allow it to soak in and become reality to us. Our life here on earth is fleeting. So much to do... so little time to do it.
The busyness of our lives keeps us from living that abundant and spirit filled life that our Lord desires for us. We can work ourselves into such a 'go,go,go' frenzy that we never take the time to search out God's will for our existence here. It isn't for us. Our goal in life shouldn't be for our pleasures. Our satisfaction. Our own agenda. It's all about Him.
"Even every one that is called
by my name; for I have created him,
for my glory, I have formed him;
yea I have made him"
(Isaiah 43:7)
I realize that I haven't even begun to tap into the overflowing mercies that God has for me. I haven't even begun to fill my cup with all the goodness that He desires to fill it with. So much of my life has been wasted time that I can never recapture. There are so many times that I should have been deeply inhaling the Word and just begging my Lord to speak to my heart and instead I found other things to occupy my time that amounted to nothing. He is all that matters.
I want to be so rooted in His Word that each moment of my life is focused solely on Him. I desire for Him to just drench me with His Spirit so that it overflows like a river bursting at its banks. I long to long for Him with an unquenchable thirst. An ever deepening hunger. An insatiable appetite. I want to want Him with all that I am.
I daresay that I have been guilty of losing sight of what is important in this life. I don't mean that we shouldn't love our families, our spouses, our precious children or even our absolutely amazing grandchildren, but I do mean that we should never lose sight of who it is that gave them to us! When we spend time with our families, we need to be ever mindful of what a privilege God has given us to even have them in our lives.
Every thing that we do and every thing that we say should always point people to Jesus. We live in world that desperately needs Jesus. A world that desperately needs a Savior. A world that desperately needs a Lord and Master. And how sad is it that we pass by people every day of our lives that have such need and we fail to show them the best thing that they could ever get a glimpse of! We fail to share the one thing that is life and breath to us!
As the Lord is dealing me with me on my priorities, I pray that the lesson He is teaching me is one that I will be a quick learner at. I don't want Him to have to keep bringing me back to the same place over and over again before I surrender and obey. I desire to have a teachable heart. A teachable spirit. A humility that only comes from bowing my heart down low to my Creator. I want to be taught. I want to rise from my face to the ground with a changed heart. A renewed spirit. A restored joy of my salvation that will compel me to do just what His Word commands me to do.
I want to worship the Lord with my whole heart. With all that I am. With all that I can ever hope to be. I want to worship with a heart flung wide open to receive just what it is that He desires to deliver to a desperate soul like mine. And then take it and use it to bring glory and honor to a very worthy Savior.

Beth, Firstly AMEN sister! Love your heart here. I saw the pics on Caring bridge-they are so precious, just like you, your mom and your dear Cari. You all look alike-so beautiful and shining for Jesus.
Have a wonderful day focused on Him!!
Love you. Noreen
I love this: I desire for Him to just drench me with His Spirit so that it overflows like a river bursting at its banks. Me too!
He is Worthy!!
Lets make it a priority!!
And make Him Smile like Cari!
Love ya sister.
Love the picture of you, your sister, and your Mom! Three beautiful ladies! How wonderful to be able to be near your close family like that!
Your words today are very thought provoking. I can so relate to this sentence: "So much of my life has been wasted time that I can never recapture". I pray God will help me to overcome this and be ever mindful of using my life to the fullest for Him!
God bless you dear Beth!
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