There is nothing like 300 women gathering together with hearts so hungry for a Word from the Lord that they will endure what we call hardship to do so. We slept in rustic, unheated cabins and the temperature was 44 degrees when we went to bed Friday night! Taking a shower in an unheated bathhouse is an experience as well, but so worth it for the dose of the Holy Spirit that was dispensed to us that weekend.
As we all converged on Brookhill Ranch in Hot Springs, Arkansas, we all had a common goal... to see Jesus. If anyone can make Him come alive in your heart, it is Hettie Lou Brooks. She is an amazing woman of God and an amazing woman of Faith. At 82 years old, she is still so on fire for Him and I pray that I will be that anointed and energetic for God when I am that age. Please, Lord, fill me with that!!
As she taught us about really tapping into the Holy Spirit in our lives and about the Holy Excitement that accompanies it, my heart was just bursting with anticipation of what God can do if we just let Him do it. When Jesus ascended back in to heaven to be with His Father - our Father - He left us the precious Holy Spirit to be with us here on earth. To be our teacher, our helper, our comforter, our guide. Oh, let's not neglect Him! Let's remember that He is here with us always to intercede on our behalf and to minister to our spirits.
As I sat in that pavilion with so many hungry women, the Lord just settled His Spirit down upon that place and His presence was so thick. The Holy Spirit ministered and anointed and did some mighty things in hearts that weekend.Chains were broken. Bondages were loosed. Ties that bound were cut forever. Freedom was experienced and it was glorious!
The Lord impressed upon me that we need to be storing up a reservoir of Living Water so that we always have a drink! I could picture myself by a flowing stream of water and He gave me these words....
As my heart hungers and my spirit thirsts, I kneel down beside the flowing stream of abundance. Bending my knee in humility and bowing my heart to Him, I let the Holy Spirit fall. I cup my hands and dip them eagerly into the crystal clear water. Raising them to my mouth, I sip...hesitantly at first and then after that initial taste of the sweetness of it, I thirstily gulp it down. I feel a surge of life as it flows through my body and I experience His presence. He is here...
Things that God spoke loudly during the weekend to me:
*Do we hunger to be like Jesus?
* Does our walk with Christ "WOW" the church body or those we come in contact with?
* Do we fear true soul searching? (because of what we will find?)
* We need to let the Holy Spirit saturate us in authenticity instead of just 'settling' for what we can get.
* God deserves our UNDIVIDED attention!
*We are guilty of not utilizing the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
* Are you hungry?? Devour the Word of God.
* The Lord desires to bring ourselves to a place 'beyond ourselves'
* Doing what we are doing now, we can't produce any more fruit than what we are already producing. If we want to produce MORE fruit, we have to do more and make some changes.
*God truly seeks our worship!
*When we choose to be free - when we choose to walk in the freedom that Christ enables in us, the enemy has NO power over us. - Praise you Jesus!!
Oh, I pray that God spoke to someones heart today in response to what He showed me. I came away with even more desire to love Him and serve Him. I came away with a deeper understanding of the immense power of the Holy Spirit that we never seem to tap in to. I came away wanting to more and more like Jesus. I want that Holy fire of His Spirit to descend upon me and do a burning and purging work in my life. I want to drink from the abundant reservoir of Living Water that I am storing up...

I'm so glad you got "filled" up over the weekend. The two bullets that stand out for me are:
*We are guilty of not utilizing the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. and
* The Lord desires to bring ourselves to a place 'beyond ourselves'
Lead us Lord...may your Holy Spirit Fire reign down on us!
Love ya sister!
Sounds like a wonderful time with God! I love how you can relate your experiences so well. Your words come alive and I can feel the excitement in them! You are an inspiration to me always!
God bless you Beth!
Hi, I just love this time of year, and love your blog too, sorry I have not been around much, trying to get back into the swing of blogging again, and visiting all my favorite blogs too. Have a great Saturday, and such a beautiful fall day here in Georgia. Hugs my friend.
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