
Monday, April 5, 2010

oh, to sit at His Feet

I've read several books lately that were extolling the marvelous, virtuous qualities of having a 'Mary Spirit." Basically, having a Mary spirit is possessing the unction or even the ability to sit quietly and intently at the precious Feet of Jesus.

And not even to just sit at His Feet, but in essence to recline there and savor the stillness that ensues when the almighty presence of our Savior is felt.


I so desire to have that Mary spirit. To be able to stop all the busyness that my Martha tendencies dictate and focus solely and wholeheartedly on Jesus. To just stop and not be so concerned about dishes and dust. But to allow myself the unabashed freedom of being totally zeroed in on the Lord and completely open to hearing His voice.

I need to learn how to put the world on hold. To realize that those daily things that so readily preoccupy me  can be postponed when the Lord beckons me to just sit.

At His Feet.

My spirit is desperate for Jesus. It cries out in deep need of some one-on-one time with my Lord.  There exists such a deep longing in my soul for intimate fellowship with God. There is nothing that I enjoy or crave more than to be in His presence. Snuggled in His arms. Wrapped tightly in His embrace. Allowing the Holy Spirit to flow in and through me and minister deeply.

Sitting. Basking.

Inhaling His wonder. Breathing in the sweet fragrance of His Love.

Letting it just wash over me and saturate me to the fullest. Seeking a closeness to Christ that is unrivaled by all else.

Desiring a life that reflects His image and demands my all.

Being a more diligent doer of the Word instead of the world.

Not focusing on my inadequacies and imperfections, but on the power that the Word of God has to gloriously transform me into wholeness and the likeness of Christ.

Running to the Mercy Seat.

Falling at His Feet.
Emptied of self.
Ready to be filled.

Heart wide open.


Seeking only Him and His presence.

Ready to hear Him speak. Feeling His tender grace and His lavish love.

Reclining at the feet of Jesus.

For however long it takes to make me look like Him.



Dawning Inspiration said...

I want to be a "Mary" and not a "Martha," too... it's something I struggle with and fight against. I'm trying though... to change.

Anonymous said...

We talked about this the other day...finding balance is difficult!

Nana Jul said...

What a beautiful post! O how I long to sit in His presence, choosing to be filled with His WORD..His lavish love. Ps 90:14 Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days!
You are Radiant Beth!!

Yolanda said...

This beats deeply with my heart, to savor and receive. His alone IS worthy!


Angel said...

This is a battle I face daily. I long to sit with Him and be a "Mary". I know I just need to be still. Thank you for your beautiful post. Love, Angel

Anonymous said...

To abide--the key to any fruitfulness. How we expect to accomplish anything for Him without this is beyond me, but even when our hearts are hearing Him call to sit and be still, we are so restless with preoccupations, distractions and xzy. I hesitate to ask Him to help me be still because His methods, oh boy, His methods are not my own. So, I must purposely tell Martha to quiet down. It's such a balance though because we cannot remain as Mary all the time. He expects us to get up from that position and go distribute those blessings to those around us through our day to day acitivites. It's a matter of balance. So my prayer, help me to balance these, Lord.

Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said... usual. Love you and thank you for your prayers - I am recovering and healing up well. Thank You, Jesus! :)

Alleluiabelle said...

I love you my precious friend. You always speak and beat to the rhythm of my heart too. This is exactly how I feel...but I am more of a Mary than a Martha...there lies a balance that He needs to show me that meets all needs.

{{{Big Hugs}}}


I love falling at His feet, Beth! He called me out to Shepherd's Walk today as we have an unusually HOT [80's] day here in NJ. He poured His love and grace over me as I sat in the Sanctuary Circle with tears pouring out for a full hour as I read portions of His Word that He had for me - along with "My Joy Book" from 1997. I had no more water left in my body by the time I came in later!

AT HIS FEET = the best place to be seated! [or face down like I often find myself]!

Choosing JOY, Stephanie
JESUS ONLY in 2010
Up to Jerusalem

Heart2Heart said...


I too, need to develop that Mary spirit more, I am way too much like Martha!

Please stop by my blog today to meet a blogger in need of help!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

LisaShaw said...


Love this!

At the feet of Jesus is where all transforming things take place in my mind, heart and life.

Lingering in His Presence dear sister,