“Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails” (Proverbs 19:21)
Where Melissa is at right now, is certainly not listed in her plans. She is currently settling into a hospital bed in ICU. Since returning from Africa 10 days ago, she was feeling OK for about 6 days and then has had several days of running fever and having some intestinal issues and just getting weaker and feeling worse. So, yesterday I took her to the ER in our small town.
After 5 hours and lots of blood work and consults, the doctor in Oak Grove was 99% sure that she had ‘complicated or severe Malaria’. The doctor on call is from the Philippines and is familiar with Malaria, which is a good thing. By looking at the blood smear, she was pretty certain that’s what she had. That along with the enlarged liver, high billirubin, enlarged spleen and a very low platelet count (25,000 at that time) helped her to confirm the diagnosis. Our little small town hospital couldn’t keep her because of the platelet issue, so they transferred her by ambulance to a hospital in Monroe (60 miles from our town).
We arrived about 7:00 PM last night and spent all night in the trauma room waiting for a bed in ICU. We were in the ER trauma room until about 3 PM today, when we finally got word that a bed was available. She got no rest last night. WE got no rest last night. Her fever kept spiking - at times to 104. They are having a hard time with fever reduction due to these facts. The Motrin can cause bleeding, which with her low platelet count (now 19,000), would NOT be good. The Tylenol is hard on her liver so that isn’t an option either.
They have definitely diagnosed the malaria and I think have correctly identified the strain. They have been unable to find Quinidine which is an old medicine - they have looked all around this area. There is another medication available, but it is not as effective and since she has the extreme complications, they don’t want to go that route. They have started her on Doxicycline for the time being, just to help while they are waiting for the good stuff to come.
She has an extremely bad headache. She has severe aching all over. She is nauseated. She can't eat. She has a hard time resting. She feels terrible. I feel terrible. There is nothing I can do but hold her hand and brush her hair and talk to her. Pray with her. Try and make her laugh. Try and keep her from crying. Try and keep ME from crying.
They have been in touch with CDC hoping to secure the medicine from them. We just got word that the medicine they found, Artesunate, is on the way now. It is in the air on a Delta flight from Atlanta and will land in a few minutes at the Monroe airport. The pharmacist will pick it up and she will get her first dose in about an hour. Everyone at the hospital is very intrigued by her case. Several nurses have gone down to look at the slides of the parasites on the blood smear. She is the talk of the hospital. I can hear people talking about it all night and all day…. Not sure that is a good thing.. Everyone that comes in asks, "are you the girl with Malaria?"
The medicine they found has not been used in the US. It has been used in India, Africa and other parts of the world. It is not yet approved by the FDA for use here, but Melissa agreed to be part of a clinical trial. She had NO other recourse. They couldn't find enough of the Quinidine to even administer 1 dose. It is a little scary. The side effects aren't so great. The alternative isn't so great either. There are no guarantees. But I do know that we prayed about it and left it in the Lord's hands and this is what He ordered. We are OK with it. God is in control. He is on the Throne and her daddy and I fully trust that He knows best for Melissa. As much as we love her, we know that He loves her even more..
I wish she was anywhere but here. I wish that I could make this all go away. I hate watching her hurt and be afraid. I hate seeing the fear in her eyes. I hate seeing the pain on her face.
I am leaning heavily on my sweet Lord. He is upholding me and sustaining me. He is the one whom I put my trust. He is the one whom I find my rest. I am so thankful for a God who loves and who protects. Who lifts up and strengthens. Who covers and carries.
I know that regardless of the circumstances, He is here with me. He is here with Melissa. I feel His presence. I feel His touch. I feel His love. Without Him, I would be a total basket case. Instead I am just a little basket case... Just kidding... Sorta...
We covet your prayers, and I will keep you updated. Please pray for the medicine to be effective. For her platelets to rise. For her liver and spleen to heal. For there to be no serious side effects.
Love you all SO much,

Storming the heavens with you on Melissa's behalf. Thanking GOD for placing the right doctor in your path to get an accurate diagnosis.
Beth, I can assure you that I will diligently be praying. Our God is mighty to save...trust in Him at all times...He is our refuge...He is with us always.
Sending much love and prayers,
We are in prayer for Melissa and lift her up to our Healer-God and pray that in all things His name be glorified. Comfort to your family.
I just uttered a prayer for Melissa and for your family as well. The other good thing sister Beth, Melissa is back while this happened, so she could get the proper treatment she needed. And it makes a big difference that her family is around her for love and support.
I'll keep her in my prayers. May God cover you all with strength and comfort and healing for Melissa!
Going boldly before the throne for your precious girl, the medical staff, the medicine, you, and God's grace. Blessings, SusanD
I am praying for her and your family. Please keep us updated.
Wow! We are definitely praying for your daughter, your family, and you. Much love from NC.
Oh Beth, I'm so sorry. I will be praying for Melissa and you and your family. Please get a hold of me if there is anything more I can do, or if you just need to talk ANYTIME. I will e-mail you my info. Love you sister, and I'll be praying, Dawn
Prayers all around, friend. Let Melissa know we're on it in our neck of the woods. Glad to know our Father hears us from all angles all over the world.
You have my prayers and I will share your story with others.
Praying right now!!! God bless you all!!!
Oh dear! I understand firsthand how it feels to have a baby hurting and there isn't anything you can do...I'm praying for peace and God's healing hand. I look forward to a great update soon!
Love and prayers...
I am praying and will continue to pray. Yes....Our God the healer. HE knows the plans He has for her....
Beth, I just got in and read this. Praying now and adding her to the prayer list on my blog.
Isaiah 53:5 ...with His stripes we ARE healed. God is the healer! Mat 21:22 And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.
John 16:24 ...ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.
I am and will be praying for your family!
Beth...we are praying for Melissa! I am so sorry to hear this news about her being in the hospital. I know God has her in His hands! I will also be praying for you and the the rest of the family. What a great example of God's love you are to those people at the hospital. I know he is going to use you to spread the gospel to those around you! Praying for peace and rest tonight and quick healing!! Thank you for praying for Lori!!
Oh Beth, I am praying for Melissa! (and for you)
I continue to pray and to believe in John 11:40 and Exodus 33:18....The glory of God to be revealed through Melissa. Sister, I love you all, and God is in control. :-) Yolanda
Beth, we are praying for Melissa, for the doctors, nurses, and for you, her sweet dear mother...and the rest of the family. Keep looking unto the hills from whence cometh your help. Keep us updated. Love, Liesa
I am so sorry to hear about Melissa....
Praying for Melissa to be healed...
I haven't been on the computer in days and am so glad I checked...I am praying for ya'll!!!
Just read the latest and lifted Melissa to our Healer. His peace for each of you.
I am sorry to hear Melissa is ill again! I will continue to pray for His healing touch! HUGS!
Oh, I am on my knees with you!
Beth, calling on JEHOVAH RAPHA, OUR HEALER right now for Melissa! I plead the blood covering of our LORD JESUS CHRIST over her entire body from the crown of her head to the soles of her foot!
Jesus said, "nothing by any means shall harm you" and so Melissa is covered.
I'm standing believing His word over her life that "by His stripes she was healed".
I pray for wisdom, discernment and HOLY SPIRIT guidance for the doctors and I pray for STRENGTH, COMFORT, PEACE AND MORE GRACE for Melissa...
I pray for comfort for you Beth and the family as you stand on the ROCK! our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
His eye is upon her and so is His Almighty Hand.
I'm standing with you in prayer.
I love you.
I just find out and right now prayed for your daughter. I will continue to for you and your family.
love and hugs~Tammy
Been thinking about you all day; would love an update as time allows.
Oh My that is just like the enemy to try to discourage the mission of evangelism in our world. But thank God he is defeated. I am praying that the doctors are lead by the Spirit of God as they treat Melissa and she comes to the full recovery that Jesus has provided for her.
Please keep us updated!
Oh My Dear Friend,
I just prayed Lisa's prayer because I wanted to pray right away and it was such a powerful prayer. I will continue to pray for Mellisa and for His blessings for all of you to be covered with strength, courage, peace, comfort, joy amidst the suffering, grace and most of all His divine intervention and miraculous healing for your daughter in Jesus name I pray. Amen.
I love you dear sister.
{{{Big Hugs for you all}}},
I'm praying too!!!! I saw this on Lisa Shaw's facebook tonight. So thankful to have seen this. I'm praying, praying, praying....
I am just catching up with blogs and read this. I am so sorry that your daughter has malaria. I pray that she will recover and be healed soon. Thinking of you all.
Love Collette xxx
Prayed the prayer from Lisafor you and your daughter.
Healing is on the way in Jesus name
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