As Christians, we should be striving for a greater desire to obtain purity in all things. Right thinking - right behavior - right attitudes. But it seems like we lack this desire to live holy lives. Somehow we have it all wrong and have let the world take control and dictate our inclinations and we just kind of leave Christ out of it. How absurd. We leave Christ out of Christianity.
I am not really sure why we make being a Christian so hard, because in actuality living right seems to be a whole lot easier than not. It is easier to be nice than be mean. It is easier to think good thoughts than bad ones. It is easier to do the right thing than to spend all that energy doing the wrong thing!
I think that it is time for us to get back to the basics of living a Christian life. Filling ourselves up with the Word so that it just overflows out of us. Loving Jesus so much that it just spills out on others and we just love them too. Keeping our minds filled with things that uplift and edify and not spending time or money on those things that pervert and bring down. Putting back the Holy in Christianity! Amen?
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." (Philippians 4:8)
Paul never fails to get right to the point and I love how he covers it all in those verses. That is an amazing recipe for living a holy and sanctified Christian life.
I know that I have wasted many years and much time not 'doing the thing' like I should. It saddens my heart to realize the lost opportunities of witnessing that God sent my way. I know that I have lacked holiness in my life in the past and possibly caused another person to stumble. Oh, how that just causes my heart to ache.
But you know the awesome thing about God? He gives us new mercies every day. EVERY single day. We can wake up each morning and know without a shadow of a doubt that God is a God of new beginnings. We have a new opportunity each day to live a life of holiness. A life of purity. A life that glorifies and edifies Christ. We can determine from this day forward to put the holiness back into our Christian walk and be the men and women of God that He has purposed us to be. Throw off that which entangles and put on the cloak of righteousness and just 'do the thing!"
We just praise you, God, for all that you are in our lives. We just give you all honor and glory. Thank you for allowing us new mercies every day and help us to live our life with holiness and righteousness. Stir the hunger in our hearts and fan the flame in our spirits for more of you and your Word. Thank you for loving us and thank you for your precious Son, Jesus. Amen

Thanks for the post. It seems there's an awful lot of Christians who don't care that Jesus sees our obedience as a sign of love. And of course it is a sign of love. Which means that a lot of people are hoping that they can enter heaven without loving Jesus.
God Bless - See you there!
Hello my friend...I was just talking the other day about how each generation seems to lose out more and more on what it means to be a Christian. Laws get changed that make certain things lawful that are not in the Bible - and then the children grow up being made to accept it as okay. Parents have an even harder job these days to teach their kids and bring them up the way Christ wants them to. I am thankful that each day is a NEW day - with Mercies from Christ... I'd be a goner without them.
I am so thankful for His mercies that are new every morning. And I think you are absolutely right - Christianity seems to be about a lot of different things these days: social justice issues and the like - which are all good things. But on the whole, Christianity does seem to be missing one critical factor. Holiness.
This post is a great word for Christianity today.
Good words Beth! Words we all need to be reminded of...
I also HAVE to comment again on the pictures of your family... they are so beautiful! I could just HUG those little ones!
I think all of those things are easy when I can give up myself -- my fears, my insecurities, my pride. Then being loving, giving, pure is easy. Alas, I tend to get caught up in myself -- my needs, my anger, my life and all of those things get hard. Thank goodness for the new mercies!
Awesome post. It's really sad that even christians are justifying their sins these days.
Our Pastor said he read the other day where 40% of pastors drink some type of alcohol. If it breaks our hearts, it has to grieve our Lord.
Have a blessed weekend
I think your friend was right - we often do practice a "form" of Christianity that is unholy. That is what happens, I think, when we trade a relationship for a religion. Good post.
Wonderful post. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.
It does seem unusual that so many issues and subjects get labeled as christianity issues. We live in troubled times, but I am comforted daily by my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
It occurs to me that, unless and until we get a glimpse of God's holiness, our own doesn't seem so vitally important. But, once we get even a hint of His, we are undone.
I also think holiness gets a bad rap. As you rightly point out, it's made to be difficult - as though it's just one more "work".
What I love about God's summons to holiness is that it means I'm set apart, and the new has come -- from poverty to riches; from lost to found; from dead to alive; from slave to princess; from worldly to other-worldly; from unrighteous to righteous. Wow.
I love your heart too!
My sister,
You are hearing a lot of Amen's on this side of the computer screen from me. It's something my hubby and I speak of often -- we don't call it the "unholy Christianity" but rather "a poor witness" but we are speaking about the same thin as you.
We are to be a living witness of Jesus Christ yet so often as Christians our witness reflects the world.
This paragraph just says it all:
"As Christians, we should be striving for a greater desire to obtain purity in all things. Right thinking - right behavior - right attitudes. But it seems like we lack this desire to live holy lives. Somehow we have it all wrong and have let the world take control and dictate our inclinations and we just kind of leave Christ out of it. How absurd. We leave Christ out of Christianity."
Remaining in prayer for all of us that we'd LIVE the Christian lifestyle with humility and holiness that we would glorify the Father, shows Christ to others and bless His Holy Name!
Love you and your transparent and caring heart!
I've found that one of the reasons I fail to "live holy" is because I fail to consider the holiness of God. Thanks for sharing this post!
Putting Christ back into our Christianity...
It begins with a pilgrimage to the cross... to remember, reflect, renew, re-engage with the Lover and Grace-giver of our souls. When that happens, holiness becomes our default rather than our casual abiding.
Love you. Have a blessed week.
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