
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

seeking to prepare...

"And he did evil because he
did not prepare his heart
to seek the Lord"
(2 Chronicles 12:14)

Are we preparing our hearts? Do we truly have a desire to seek the Lord?

Are we hungering after the deeper things of Christ in a way that propels us to make our hearts ready? ............

To continue reading this post, hop on over to Titus 2 In Action. I was honored and thrilled when Sonya asked me to be part of this amazing blog. I am excited to join 5 other fabulous bloggers who are seeking to minister to hearts and desiring to encourage the spirits of all who stop in there.  My column is titled 'Seeking Higher' and I will be posting there every other Wednesday. My prayer is that the Lord can use me in some way to bring glory to Him as I share what He has laid on my heart.  

Please take a minute today and stop by this great blog!


The November issue of  Sanctified Together is available online now. Every article in there is absolutely amazing and I know you will receive a blessing from each one. My article is titled 'He is Our Peace' and is the last one on the page.


Nana Jul said...

WOW Beth....He's using you alright! Your writing is absolutely incredible, and I know I have told you this before, but it's true...You usher us into the Throne room of God with your words. He has blessed you with tremendous proud of you!
Love ya sister!

Sherri said...

That is awesome!

NanaNor's said...

Hi sweetie, O.k so let's put on some tea or coffee and sit a spell. I am so very blessed by you girl. I know we'd encourage and strengthen each other but we might just give into fits of giggles. Love you. Going to go read the rest of your post.
Hugs, Noreen