I sit in the quiet of my study with the precious Word of God open before me. His Word is so amazing. So rich. So powerful. Too many times I have picked it up and read it without much thought of just how precious it is. It is holy. It is pure. It is the voice of God in writing. As I begin my morning study time, I purpose in my heart to never pick it up nonchalantly again.
I open the holy scriptures and He begins speaking to me about grace. We are the object of God's amazing grace. Unmerited. Undeserved. Unending. Grace that is dispensed at just the right time. And in just the right amount. And in just the right way. Daily manna that is sent from heaven from the sweet Hands of our father. Handfuls of purpose dropped in our path for us to glean.
His Word alone is evidence of His grace in our lives. We can commune with Him at any time. He can speak to us through the scriptures each time we open the Word. Grace upon grace with each page we turn. Each word that we read. Amazing...
His provision is evidence of His grace in our lives. He provides in all things. For all things. Through all things. Whether He provides comfort during times of grief or bestows peace to our fearful hearts, His grace reigns. He provides rest for the weary. Healing for the wounded. New mercies for the repentant heart.
We find grace in the innermost essence of who God is. The rescuer. The preserver. The lover of our souls.
There is grace in the miraculous healing of a granddaughter. The whispered 'I love you's' while tucking in sweet grandchildren at night. A tearful phone call from a child needing prayer or a grandchild just needing her Nana.
There is grace in the emergency room as a grandmother cradles her oldest grandchild and softly petitions a loving God to reach down and minister peace and healing. And He does.
There is grace in the cleft of the rock where our Father has so loving placed us. In that cleft, He administers grace for the moment. Handfuls of purpose for the taking. In that cleft, we find the faithful and loving Hand of a compassionate God.
Deep in the Word of God, we tap into the ever flowing stream of grace. The knowledge of the Holy just waiting to captivate our hearts and minister to our spirits. To overwhelm and astound us. To draw us closer to the One who gives grace and who is grace.
His Word gives us life. His Word IS life. Let's treasure it. Revere it. Hide it in our hearts.
Thank you, Lord, for your amazing and precious Word. May we treat it with the respect and reverence that it so deserves. May we pick it up with trembling and excitement over what we will encounter in the pages we read. Thank you for your generous grace and your abundant Handfuls of purpose in our lives.

His provision is evidence of His grace in our lives. He provides in all things. For all things. Through all things. Whether He provides comfort during times of grief or bestows peace to our fearful hearts, His grace reigns. He provides rest for the weary. Healing for the wounded. New mercies for the repentant heart.
We find grace in the innermost essence of who God is. The rescuer. The preserver. The lover of our souls.
There is grace in the miraculous healing of a granddaughter. The whispered 'I love you's' while tucking in sweet grandchildren at night. A tearful phone call from a child needing prayer or a grandchild just needing her Nana.
There is grace in the emergency room as a grandmother cradles her oldest grandchild and softly petitions a loving God to reach down and minister peace and healing. And He does.
There is grace in the cleft of the rock where our Father has so loving placed us. In that cleft, He administers grace for the moment. Handfuls of purpose for the taking. In that cleft, we find the faithful and loving Hand of a compassionate God.
Deep in the Word of God, we tap into the ever flowing stream of grace. The knowledge of the Holy just waiting to captivate our hearts and minister to our spirits. To overwhelm and astound us. To draw us closer to the One who gives grace and who is grace.
His Word gives us life. His Word IS life. Let's treasure it. Revere it. Hide it in our hearts.
Thank you, Lord, for your amazing and precious Word. May we treat it with the respect and reverence that it so deserves. May we pick it up with trembling and excitement over what we will encounter in the pages we read. Thank you for your generous grace and your abundant Handfuls of purpose in our lives.