Are we stunned by His Glory?
Gripped by His Greatness?
Overwhelmed at His Goodness?
If not, perhaps we need to be seeking a new vision of who our God is and what He can do in our lives. We may need a fresh encounter with God. One that will render us speechless at His Majestic Power. One that will overcome us with His Glorious Splendor. One that will drive us to our faces in desperation for a sweet glimpse of His Glory. One that will bring us to the reality of His True Holiness.
This Holiness needs to compel us to be more like Him but at the same time we need to be vastly aware of the truth that His Holiness is what separates us from Him. His absolute, sovereign and stunning Holiness should shake us to the very core of our being. It should fuel us with an unparalleled passion. A new intensity. It should cause us to tremble at the very notion of who He is.
"Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts - thewhole earth is full of His glory"(Isaiah 6:3)
If we long for a vision of God's Holiness, we need to be seeking it where we can find it. At His Feet. On our faces in full surrender. Hands held high to His Throne saying "I am yours, Lord. All of me. Take me, fill me and use me for Your Kingdom, Your Honor and Your Glory"
It's about worshiping Him with all that is within us. Worshiping Him for who He is. Letting our hearts be gripped by the awesomeness of His power. Acknowledging His Sovereignty.
Every time I read the passage in Isaiah 6: 1-8, I am filled with a new thrill about God's wonder as I read Isaiah's reaction to His glimpse of God's Splendor. He saw the Lord! And the very sight of the Lord's Glory immediately filled him with the reality of his own sin and unclean spirit.
"Mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!"
That utterance from the mouth of Isaiah is so powerful and awe inspiring. He saw the Lord! He recognized Him in all His Kingship. He realized the depravity of the sin in his own life and immediately surrendered all to God.
When we allow ourselves to get deep into the presence of God... When we spend some very purposeful and intimate face-to-face time with our Lord... We will see His Glory. We will get a new awareness of His Majesty and Power. We will dive to our faces and truly seek Him. Experience Him. Encounter Him.
We will worship the Lord in Spirit and Truth. And when we rise we will shout:
"Mine eyes have seen the King!"
Oh, Hallelujah! Yes, Lord, show us your glory!!

Hi Beth,
I so enjoyed your blog.
You wrote: This Holiness needs to compel us to be more like Him but at the same time we need to be vastly aware of the truth that His Holiness is what separates us from Him. This has been on my heart lately. HOLINESS... Living a Christ like Life. Good word!
Thanks for visiting my page and your sign in name - One Blessed Nana caught my eye. My Grand babies call me Nana as well. WHAT BLESSINGS THEY ARE!!!!!!! :)
Hi sister, Loved this word for today-I say Amen too. Yesterday in our ladies study on Revelation, Beth compelled us to ask for a new revelation of all that He is. I long for more, for being made more like my Jesus and seeing more of Him minute by minute. Your posts always make me hunger for more as well. Sending big hugs your way today.
This is excellent (as always). Isaiah 6 is a humbling text. Anytime we think we "are something," this text will bring us back to earth! God is the only one holy and worthy of our adoration. Great post!
Thank you so much for your thoughts/prayers for Kristin! She is getting better and better. Had an attack today and missed seeing Delphi, but is still getting stronger overall. wb
Beth, thank you so much for this post...timely for me. It reminded me of some personal study I did a few years ago on "Be Holy, for I am Holy" definitely gave me pause to consider and to recall His Word with reverence and awe.
"purposeful and intimate face-to-face time with our Lord"
I love that!!
God must be prompting me to ask for His glory, Beth. Just last night I read the story of Moses begging for a glimpse of this, and now your post. Thanks for being His voice to my heart!
When I read your scripture from Isaiah I immediately thought of him saying, "I am a man of unclean lips" as the angel touches his mouth.
We can't even fathom His holiness, but ahhhhh - to see His Face. \o/
Bless you sweet Beth!
There's a song with the line "His grace still amazes me" in it. I am always struck by how easy it is to take such for granted. Living with a sense of awe is a cultivated taste. I love the way you framed it here.
"Acknowledging His Sovereignty."
Amen. We sometimes forget that is what worship, and even our whole lives, are about.
Good post.
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