In my pursuit of God I have a real longing in my heart for more. More of Him. More of His power in my life. More of His presence.
I thirst and hunger for a deeper, more intimate relationship with a holy God. But am I really pursuing it with a passion unparalleled by any other pursuit? Am I really doing all that it takes to get to where I so desire to be?
I want to know Him like never before. But am I digging into the Word frantically and searching like my life depends upon it?
I want to fully know the power of the resurrection. But am I taking the necessary steps to make that happen?
I desire to grow in the knowledge of my Savior. I want to understand the message of the cross and its provision like never before. I long to develop an intimacy with my Lord that knows no bounds. But so many times, I allow the things of this life to get in the way and keep myself occupied with things that just don't really matter.
There is nothing more important than my relationship with Jesus. There is nothing more precious than just to sit at His feet and be drawn into His presence. Nothing.
It is thrilling to know that God created us to KNOW Him. He desires for us to SEEK Him and to LONG for Him. He longs for our presence at His feet more than anything else. Just to sit and soak up the beauty and majesty of His glory. Just to sit and be awed at His power and His might.
I want to pour over the precious scriptures and be blown away by the revelation of Truth.
Feverishly searching. Earnestly seeking. Eagerly expecting.
Anticipating a mighty work of His hands. A powerful manifestation of His power and glory. I ache to just sit in His awesome presence and soak up His infinite goodness and experience Him like never before.
He is indescribable. Undefinable. Holy. He is God. He fills me with joy unspeakable. Love inexpressible. Peace unimaginable.
I sit with my eyes closed. Heart open. And my face turned toward heaven.
I am ready for His touch. Searching. Seeking. Find me, Lord.
Thank you, Lord, that I continue to fill up my 1000 gifts journal. You show me every day, the many things that are blessings from your hand. May the next 441 entries speak as loudly as the first 441 did.

Amen Beth, like we were when we first accepted Chris as Saviour, only better because we do know him so much better now than before, I am with you, I seek his face, and his ever presence, to be close, and to hear his heart beat, amen...
We are his heartbeat, he loves us so very much I so want to be closer and know him better.
I'm so thankful that I'm craving more of Him too...
What a blessing.
I do believe it's a desire placed in our hearts by God Himself: a desire for more. Then I believe He grants us that desire of our hearts, because He wants to. Amazing
I echo each friend above and say Amen to your hearts desire and to our desire for more, more, more of Him. Lifting you up dear sis.
Amen! May God increase the desire in me to be more and more like Jesus.
Filling up with "more"...more of who HE is...drawing closer, drinking in His PEACE...His STRENGTH...His POWER. Entering His courts with Thanksgiving..a never ending list of thanks, with unveiled eyes seeing His hand upon our lives..leading, guiding, lifting us up to know Him more...causing us to desire Him more.Thank you sista for reminding us to seek HIM more...
Love ya
I think it's the prayer of so many of us, to be more like Him and to have a deeper desire for what He wants.
I love your heart!
He must increase. I must decrease. John 3:30..more of Him, less of me, my wants, my way...
I never leave God, but I passionately seek Him in bursts and then I get caught back in the web of responsibilities. He lures me, and I untangle myself and seek Him again whole-heartedly.
You always express your hunger for Jesus so well. May you find what you are looking for. Me too.
Oh yes! Sitting in His awesome presence and soaking up His infinite goodness and experiencing Him like never before and listening intently to what He wants to say to me today! Heart open wide!!! This post moved me deeply! Thank you! xo
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