"Also of your own selves shall men arise,speaking perverse things to draw away disciplesafter them" - (Acts 20:30)
The apostle Paul is warning us here that even people in our own sphere of influence, in our own personal relationships - our own churches perhaps - will go forth distorting the TRUTH for their own purpose or agenda. He is giving us instruction to guard what we know to be TRUTH. We have to stand firm in our beliefs as to be immoveable in our convictions and in our knowledge of the Word.
So many times, there are people that seem to be distorting the truth when the fact is they don't even know the TRUTH. Their misinterpretation of it may simply be a lack of knowing. It may be a teaching that they were handed down from a precious generation and haven't researched it for themselves. Or it could be that they really aren't true disciples of Christ, but wolves in sheep clothing sent from the enemy to distract and then destroy.
Whichever the case may be, it is up to us to make sure that we are armed with the wonderful TRUTH of the WORD of Jesus Christ, so we can discern that which is the authentic and doctrinally sound.
We must keep ourselves totally immersed in the Word of God. His Word is TRUTH. If we remain drenched in the scriptures, we will know Him and we will know what true Godliness and Holiness looks like. We will know His teachings and His commands and therefore, be able to rightly divide authenticity from a lie.
We can't be expected to follow and obey what we don't know. We can only follow hard after God if we are immersing ourselves in the precious and holy scriptures. We have to eat the bread that He has so generously placed before us, hungrily devouring the awesome words of LIFE.
Once we have tasted the TRUTH, we will long for more of it. We will never be satisfied with where we are spiritually, but continually be yearning for a deeper, more progressive walk.
Oh, my friends, when we do this, we will be so grounded in the WORD that we won't be easily led astray. We will be able to stand firm and to resist the schemes and agenda of the enemy, because we will KNOW the TRUTH.
James 4:7 says, "Submit yourselves then to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
We must know the TRUTH. So we can stand on it. So we can share it. So we can believe it and live sanctified lives because of it.
"Sanctify them through thy truth; thy Word is truth"
(John 17:17) KJV
"Make them holy by your truth. Teach them your
Word, which is truth"
(John 17:17) NLT
Do we want to be sanctified? Do we desire to be holy? We must purpose to be lovers of His Word. Lovers of the TRUTH. True lovers of God.
It's about passion. Let's be passionate in our pursuit of righteousness and the knowledge of the Holy One. His Word is TRUTH. He is TRUTH. And once we fully understand this, we won't be swayed to the left or to the right, but we will be able to keep our eyes focused on our Lord and Savior.