
Saturday, November 27, 2010

things I learned...

Things that I learned this past week:

I learned just how much I miss these two little fellas. I miss them like crazy. Bryton and Sawyer have been in Wyoming with their parents for 2 months and my heart hurts with emptiness.  I never knew being a Nana could be amazing and I am so thankful that God has blessed me with 6 of these grand blessings for now.

I learned how much fun it is to go to a 3D movie with your daughter and granddaughter. Melissa, Mikaela and I  had a great time watching 'Tangled' and getting to wear these cool glasses was just an added bonus.
I learned that we can't continue in our childish behavior and expect to become more knowledgeable in our faith. As I read 1 Corinthians 13:11, the Lord showed me with new eyes that to be an authentic Women of God, we have to put away those childish attitudes and behaviors. Instead, we need to seek to increase our spiritual maturity by drawing closer to Him. In turn, our ability to discern those wrong attitudes will increase and our childish behavior will decrease.

I learned that little Mercie reminds me so much of her aunt Ashlie when she was a  little girl.  Just like my youngest daughter, Mercie is full of energy and full of life. She brightens up each day. She has a smile that can melt my heart in a second.
I learned that we don't stop pursuing God once we find Him. We continue to hunger and thirst for more. The more we know, the more we long to know.  Praise you, Jesus for that. I pray for an ever deepening hunger and thirst for more intimacy with and more knowledge of my precious Lord.

I learned that Eli is about as 'all boy' as a little fella can get. He loves all things rough and tough. He loves rubber snakes and had the biggest blast with 2 of them he found at his Pawpaw's house on Thanksgiving day. He made me take pictures of him with these snakes in every possible position you can imagine. Eli is very affectionate and loves to hug and be hugged. A single hug from him can brighten up the darkest day.

I learned that the last 8 years went by way too fast. Mikaela is halfway to being able to drive! It seems like just yesterday that I watched my little ladybug come into this world. I can't even believe that she is turning into such a young lady. She loves Jesus with all of her heart and loves to read her bible and study it. I am so thankful that she is on her way to becoming a young woman of the Word. Thank you, Lord, for being so good.
I learned that the love you have for your grandyoungin's is an all consuming love that reflects the love you have for your own children.  It's so amazing to see your daughters mothering their children with such love and patience. It's amazing to see how God so graciously took care of our own children even though we made mistakes while raising them. He bestows such generous mercy and grace upon us as parents and upon our children. He can make all things beautiful and works everything out for the good.

I learned that even though we don't see each other often, I still have such deep love for my sister, brother and mama. We had so much fun together Thanksgiving night. The waited on me to have lunch with Jimbo's parents and then drive 2  more hours to get to Shreveport by 5 o'clock. It was well worth the long day because we had such a good time. My sister is still recovering from her surgery, but is doing really well!

I learned that I still miss my daddy... Thanksgiving was his favorite holiday and it still doesn't seem right to celebrate it without him. This was our 17th thanksgiving without him. Doesn't seem possible. Doesn't seem right. But God's plan is the right plan and I am thankful that I have complete peace in knowing that one day, I will see my daddy again in heaven for all eternity. Thank you, my precious Lord for that assurance.
I learned that I have a marvelous husband. He was so willing to let me go to Shreveport without him so I could see my family. Not all men are so understanding and I am thankful that God gave me a husband who loves me enough to allow me that freedom

Christ will never be made
manifest to us if we don't
have an acute desire to seek Him....


Denise said...

Wonderful love letter to your family and to the Lord,I'm sure you blessed them all.

Ella said...

What beautiful things the Lord allowed you to "Learn". Thank you for sharing all of them with us Beth. They touched my heart.
Hugs, Ella

Denise said...

Sweet lessons of grace and gratitude.

As for me, I am thankful that I can come to this little spot in the bloggy world and find Truth and Love. I am always blessed and learning here.

With much thanks,

Yolanda said...

This was so cool, thank you for sharing this with us. Love ya much-Yolanda

Thena said...

That was beautiful.
I am thankful for you, a christian woman that writes from her heart with honesty, and compassion.

Unknown said...

Thank you for this great blog, which in places bought tears to my eyes. I can as a Nan relate to much of it. Sometimes I think I am very hard to teach, but Praise God He is a patient teacher and I pray I will always continue to learn from Him, as you do. God Bless - Nita.

Andrea said...

2 months..yikes! I don't know how you are doing it....I am thankful my grandbabies aren't that far away from me. I don't know what I would do!

Elizabethd said...

Such a lovely readable post. Thank you.

maw maw said...


Beth E. said...

You have such a beautiful family, Beth! The pics of the grandchildren are precious, and the pic of you and your siblings is great! I'm in a pic with my sibs for Thanksgiving Day, too. It's on my blog. :-)


Warren Baldwin said...

You have a great heart for your family. Neat post. And I envy your family in Wyoming! (That is where we used to live). wb

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Mercy... you had a full and busy day, and I'm so thankful that you were able to travel and celebrate the occasion. Your family is beautiful and a rich reminder of God's loving grace on earth. I look forward to the season of grandmothering, but for now, I'm content to wade through each mothering milestone with a sense of expectancy and gratitude.

I'm learning so much, just like you.

Have a blessed week~elaine

Dawning Inspiration said...

Awesome... great love for your family. Beautiful.