
Monday, December 27, 2010

breaking those ties that bind

I love God's perfect timing. I love how He works even when we don't think He is working or perhaps when we think we have closed off an area of our lives from Him to work in.

I first did Beth Moore's 'Breaking Free' about 11 years ago. Even though I have been a Christian since I was 9 years old, I didn't progress much in my spiritual life until about 5 years ago. Oh, I have the loved the Lord intensely for many, many years, but I just didn't quite grasp the difference between reading the bible and studying God's Word. Between loving Him and having an intimate relationship with Him.

So when I started studying about strongholds and captivity, I really didn't see the cords of the yoke that had me entangled back then. I didn't think I had any strongholds. Well, not of any significance. I looked back over my book from the first study and just couldn't believe how blind I was to some real captivity in my life back then. I definitely had the stronghold of ignorance! Or perhaps it was pride.

One thing I love about growing closer and closer to the Lord is how He reveals more and more of our imperfections as we grow. The deeper our walk with Him, the wider our eyes are opened to the truth of our depravity.  With our more intense seeking, comes the freedom from self-delusion. He will reveal His Truth to us so that we can begin to distinguish the Truth of His Word from the lies of satan.

"The LORD is near to all
who call on Him, to all
who call on Him in Truth"
(Psalm 145:18)

When I began teaching this study earlier this year, it didn't take but one homework session and I was just blown away at the captivity in my life! How in the world could I have been so blind? This statement really hit me square in the eyes and caused me to do some in-depth soul searching.

'A Christian is held captive by anything that hinders the abundant and effective Spirit-filled life God planned for her"

Oh, my.. I was a captive in the worse way. My life was not as abundant and Spirit-filled as Christ had planned for me. Not even close. I started right then by getting an index card out and making a list of the strongholds God was revealing to me. Of course, I wrote 4 of them down but didn't write one more that came to mind because, well, if I didn't write it down it didn't count. Right? Um... no. Wrong. It just meant that it would take God a little longer to deal with me on it and I would stay in bondage just a little bit longer than anticipated. Not a good plan.

We are nearing the end of our study and the other day I pulled out my card and glanced at it and realized that I was indeed, with God's help, breaking free from those things that are binding me and preventing me from experiencing true abundance in the Spirit. Except for the one thing that I failed to write down. Once again, God brought it to the forefront and I knew that it was time to deal with it. And so I did.

With the generous grace dispensed by my Lord, and with His Sovereign Hand leading the way, I was able to take that first step toward freedom in this area. It wasn't easy. It is a work in progress. But oh, it was so good. I felt a weight lifted off of me that was a long time in coming! I felt some freedom in my spirit that I hadn't felt in a while. I took another step in the journey with my Savior and took great pleasure in tearing down some high places in my life.

Each day is a new challenge, but I know that God is faithful. He wants us to quit cooperating with the enemy. He wants us to be free. He desires for us to experience the abundant and effective Spirit-filled life He planned for us. Our liberty in Christ is a reality!

My greatest desire is to bring honor to His Name. I want to be an instrument for His glory. I want to be a display of His Splendor. May He be able to say over me, "My Name and My renown was the desire of her heart."
Thank you, Lord, for helping me to walk in your ways. Thank you for the power of your Word and the presence of your Holy Spirit. Thank you for the freedom that comes from a life lived according to your commandments.


Loren said...

This spoke straight to the depths of my heart and soul. Not writing it down because then it wouldn't count. Yes. I know JUST what the Lord wishes for me to lay before HIM. To Surrender. Oh sweet surrender.

Thank you Beth for your transparency. You inspire me to do the same. Bless you as you continue on the road to Freedom. I have the same Hearts cry as you ~

May we be His instrument of Glory and Honor HIm in ALL we do and say!

Love you!

Denise said...

Oh yes,We all do it.Avoid the difficult areas.The painful ones to change or even fess up to.This christmas I've been full of adoration of the Lord.There are no words that express what I feel.In my long walk with the Lord,I can say this,He does get sweeter as the days go bye.

Steph T. said...

I did that study many years ago to...I really need to revisit it again. Thanks for sharing this with us today. I have many strongholds that I need to break free from once again. Thanks for sharing your heart with us. You always inspire me to love Jesus deeper. said...

Yes and Amen...Praise God!! It has been the same kind of year for I just nodded and smiled at your writing and prayed silently in agreement. Deeper and Deeper Lord!! Thanks for 2010!!

achildoftheking said...

Beth, you said: "Our liberty in Christ is a reality!"

Having that revelation is liberation in and of itself! Praise the Living God! \o/

Anonymous said...

I love when I can look back over my old studies. Sometimes it's suprising to see the thoughts and ideas I had about God and my life in those times. I love that He continuously grows us! Oh yes! And, yes, we know just exactly those strongholds that we have... the ones we hold tight to like a child. He never grabs them from our hands... but slowly, gently takes them... so that Him taking them even becomes our idea. I love Him so!

Yolanda said...


Would you please pray for me that I am realizing a stronghold in my own life, and that I would allow God to deal with me and heal that area in my heart?

Thank you!


Walk In Truth said...


You wrote;
"My greatest desire is to bring honor to His Name"

Beth, I love the way you love the Lord, and how you lift Him up in your blog post.

"And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself." John 12:32 NASB

God Bless you

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

I've not done this study, one of the few Beth Moore I haven't participated in. Like you, I think I'd have a hard time defining my strongholds, or at least being completely honest about them. I'd love to do it at some point, but I don't have a group of women that would do it with me.

I admire and applaud your integrity at working your faith through, even when it's painful. You are learning so much; I wish I felt that way about myself, but it seems as if that part of my journey is difficult to work on because of my attention span. Still and yet, I've had some rich moments with the Father and pray for them on a regular basis.

Keep to it, sister; I can't wait to see what he will birth in your life because of your obedience. You're such a great pilgrim


Nancy said...

Beth Moore has wonderful Bible Studies. Her "Believing God" class had a direct effect on helping me to see His truths a few years ago. That same study helped me recently, too. He is leading me right now, and I intend to follow Him.

Abounding Treasures said...

My greatest desire is to bring glory to my Blessed Lord and Saviour ...

... to be open to listening for His still small voice as He seeks to lead and guide me ~ especially when it's in a direction I would rather not go!

Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog recently :o)

Nana Jul said...

Oh I love His perfect timing...makes you just go WOW...Wow, Wow...WOW! He unveils our understanding..enough for today...He constantly grows us up in Him, if we'll let Him. It's a Journey of a lifetime...full of His Wonder, His Chain breaking, mountain moving Might. May He loose every chain as you fully surrender to Him, and Look to him for his strength..He will do it!
another fabulous post about our freedom in Christ!
Love ya,

Michelle said...

I came over to leave a comment about your post, about how I am struggling in so many areas and how I see 2011 only getting worse.
Then I saw your scripture verse Jeremiah 29:13, it's the verse I need. I love Jeremiah 29:11, but now I'm adding this one. Thanks!