Lord, help me begin each day,
denying self,
surrendering to You,
living in the power of your sweet Holy Spirit.
Father, forgive me for any time I have,
diluted the gospel of Christ,
watered-down my theology of who You are,
cheapened the precious blood of Jesus.
God, you are my everything.
My life-giver.
My soul-satisfier.
My thirst-quencher.
My hearts desire is to be ever,
seeking your face,
expecting Your presence,
learning who You are.
I want to know You in the deepest,
most intimate relationship possible.
I do not want to possess a dead faith.
I desire to have a faith that produces good works.
Works that bring glory and honor and praise only to You.
I want to embrace your,
You are Creator of all.
You are breath and life.
Beginning and End.
Sweet Manna from heaven.
The Living Water.
And I adore You.
Nothing else defines who God is but God Himself.
What He is and What He does is Who He is.
Bryton, Sawyer and Laylah Beth - pictures Ashlie sent to my phone this week from Meeker, Colorado. I miss them so much!