Have you ever been in time-out or have you ever put one of your children in time-out? The definition of time-out is: a brief suspension of activity.
For some strange reason, time-out takes on a whole new meaning when it is being enforced upon your grandchildren. My perspective of what a time-out really is has been altered by my ‘Nana instincts”.
One day last week Ashlie and the boys were at my house and Bryton was being just a little bit too helpful with Sawyer. (in other words, he poking poor Sawyer in the eye with his finger). Ashlie had told him a few times already to leave his baby brother alone. Well, I think that Bryton was having some hearing problems that day because I know that if he HAD heard, he would have obeyed : ) But much to my dismay, he didn’t obey and got sentenced – I mean,
sent to time-out.
Well, this Nana is not real up to date on exactly what time-out is supposed to consist of or entail. So as my precious little grandbaby was sitting in the chair facing the door, I thought he looked a little forlorn and perhaps a bit lonely. I also thought he looked quite cute and sweet as he just sat there very quietly looking at the door. I decided that it was a good
photo opportunity as he doesn’t hold still very long under usual circumstances. Ahem… wrong decision. I was just snapping away and Ashlie was like –
“Mama! What are you doing? He is in time-out! NO pictures…” So after just 1 more quick shot which I posted above... I put my camera away.
Well, my little fella just looked so pitiful sitting there, so I thought a little song would help pass the time… We had just got started
clapping and
singing “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart….” when Ashlie said
“Mama, this is a time-out! He is not sitting there so you can entertain him. NO singing…”
So I had to go and sit down. No singing.. no pictures. I guess I really didn’t give it much thought to what time-out was all about. It was meant to give him the opportunity to think about what he had done and to realize the importance of listening to his mama.
I understand that my daughter is teaching Bryton about obedience. I know that this is important for him. When we learn the necessity of obeying our parents at a young age it enables us to comprehend the necessity of obeying Christ when we are older. I am sure that God has looked down upon me many times and said, “that girl just needs a time-out” In fact, I am pretty sure He has actually ordained a few of them in my life!
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.” (Ephesians 6:1)
The good thing about a time-out is it enables us to reflect on the past. It enables us to repent and regroup. And then we are better equipped to re-enter this thing we call life and be more determined and more purposed in our calling as Christians.
God leaves us in a time-out for our own good. He knows that it will be a time of growth. He knows that we will arise from it with a new outlook and a new spirit of obedience. He knows that it is not a time of
separation, but a time of
I don’t want to force God to put me in any more time-outs. My desire is to be obedient and mindful of Him and His Word. I love Him, therefore I will keep His commandments.
“If you love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15) Thank you Lord, for the Truth of your Word. Thank for you putting me in time-out when I need it and for allowing me to arise from there and be more determined and more committed to You and Your commandments.