“For our God is a consuming fire” (Hebrews 12:29)
If you have ever thrown a piece of paper in a fire and watched it burn, you know just how fast the flames eat that paper up. It is literally consumed within a very short time.
Our God desires for us to be just like that piece of paper. We should be absolutely consumed and overtaken by Him and the power of who He is. We should be so filled with hunger and desire to be like Him, that we allow Him to consume us in and with the truths of His Word.
To be consumed by God requires several things of us. We have to be sold-out for our Jesus. We have to be in a place of total surrender to Him and His kingdom. We need to fully understand that it is all about Him.
God wants all we have to give. God wants all we ever hope to be. God wants all of us.
In order for us to keep that fire burning within us, we have to keep it exposed to the right elements.
Just like a fire needs heat, oxygen and fuel to continue to burn, there are some key ingredients to keep us on fire.
We have to stay in the Word. We absolutely must read and study the bible daily. The only way we will ever fully know Him is to daily seek Him. When we search the scriptures and truly desire to deepen our relationship with Him, He will reveal Himself to us in a mighty way. There is nothing He wants more than to commune with us on a daily basis. He is just waiting for us to engage with Him so He can show us all He has for us.
We also must increase our prayer life. When we enter into prayer with our precious Lord, that is the time for us to pour our hearts out to Him. That is the time for us to let Him know how thankful we are for Him and all that He does for us. That is the time for us to be still and listen to Him speak back to us. A daily prayer time is an essential ingredient in allowing Him to totally consume us with all that He is.
We must also have a time of worship. Not just our regular Sunday morning worship time. A worship time that is comprised of just us and God. A worship time when we are totally filled with praise and adoration for a Holy and Worthy God. A time when we focus solely on God and who He is and what He means to us. One-on-one time with our Savior.
The more I seek Him, the more I want to continue seeking Him. The more I know Him, the more of Him I want to know. I just can’t get enough of Him.
The more I experience His presence, the more I find myself desiring His presence. When we get face down and heart up, we can truly experience the awesome, personal abiding presence of our Lord.
“For I”, says the Lord, “will be a wall of fire all around her and I will be the glory in her midst”. (Zechariah 2:5)
The Lord protects us by building a wall of fire around us. He provides that protection with a fiery hedge that He puts around His children. But He doesn’t stop there. He then puts Himself right in the midst in all His Glory!
What a picture that is of what our Almighty God does for us! He not only surrounds us with the mighty consuming fire of Himself, but He then gets right in the middle of that fire and manifests Himself in His revealing Glory.
That consuming fire illuminates the very powerful presence of God. It illuminates the purity of God. It illuminates the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Wow! I don’t know about you, but when I realize that is what He does for me, it just fills me such overwhelming humility and love for Him.
Jesus loves me.
Jesus loves you.
Father God, I desire to be totally consumed by You. I desire to be continually seeking, searching and finding more of You. Oh, Lord, be a wall of fire around me and be the Glory in my midst! I want to see the glory of You. I want to feel the glory of You. I want just a glimpse of Your Splendor. Forgive me where I have failed you. Thank you for your mercy and grace. Fill me to overflowing with the Truth of Your Word.
Show me Your Glory!
Why Listen to Jesus?
6 days ago
What a great post, Beth! I just stopped by to catch up with you and was so thrilled to read some of the very things that God has been speaking to my heart lately.
I want to be intentional about being close...
Bless you,
Yes, I must agree with Jensmere ... God opens the way to journey right to the place He will grow us, teach us, give us the direction for a closer walk with Him. Your post is wonderful, Beth.
I just love the phrase: "When we get face down and heart up,...." I am writing that in my journal for future pondering.
And this Scripture: “For I”, says the Lord, “will be a wall of fire all around her and I will be the glory in her midst”. (Zechariah 2:5)
I am reminded of the California fires recently and how the firefighters set back-fires in order to keep the current one form spreading that way...around a perimeter. That is like the wall God builds to protect us. And when we are in the midst of a fiery trial, God is in there with us in all His Glory.
Thank you for being open to the teaching of the Holy Spirit, Beth.
Once again a very powerful and moving post! I could feel the heat of God's presence just coming from this post and the sense of awe and wonder fill the room.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
I'm with you sister. I am endeavoring to draw closer... more intimate with God! Thanks for the beautiful ways in which you help and teach me to do so!
Consumed. What a thought!
Immediately I think of the Book of Daniel and the heated furnace. While the flames burned hotter and higher, the only thing that remained when the men were released was evidence of God's saving power. Even a hint of smoke was absent.
May that be so in my own heart, today and always! Thank you for leading us there.
It'a all about the FIRE - no matter which way we look at it.
The Fire of Hell
The Fire of Heaven
The Fire Within
The Fire of God's Glory
Calling down FIRE from heaven...
The Fire of the Holy Spirit
You preach it sister!!
Choosing JOY, Stephanie
[JESUS - For His Name's Sake]
Beth, this is wonderful! This is so true of how we need to have God's word and His presence consume us.
Thank you,
Lord, build that wall of fire around me!
As you share this post, the spark of your flame is igniting the heart of your readers. Father, fan the flames in our hearts. May we glow as we grow in relationship and fellowship with you!
Blessings ~ Lisa
I just posted yesterday about His fire. Hmm, God is speaking to His children. We must listen.
Bless you. You are His.
You always have the most uplifting posts. Way to go Beth. I needed to be lifted up today.
Praying that prayer with you Beth! Amen!
I want to be consumed as well; when I don't have enough time in God's Word, prayer, or worship, I feel it all day long. Even then, when I do take time to be a student/friend/disciple of Jesus, I find myself wanting more. Less distractions, more of Jesus.
We walk the road together. Our Father is pleased with your heart.
All consuming Fire ~ You're my hearts desire! A favorite song of mine from Misty Edwards. She is a prophetic worship leader at the IHOP (intl house of prayer) of KC.
Having the Word and the HOLY SPIRIT come together brings forth LIFE when spending time in the Word and in HIS Presence oh my!! Words can't even describe ~ Joy falls flat, refreshing isn't even enough but to say the more we are filled the more we desire HIM and all that HE pours out, into, or in us just leaves us wanting more.....that is why nothing satisfies truly but HIM ~
May we remain "face down and heart up" all the days of our lives!
love you my friend! How is LOIS doing? and Jimbo?
Did you read my note about JD I think it was my thankful thurs post? So many people were so inspired by JD!
I love this post...It speaks greatly to me...God Bless you
Great Great post! Just what I needed to start this day. ((hugs))
I love your choices of how to be close to God. They are the very
basics and if we took them to heart, our lives would be changed.
I have found recently that just one word of encnouragement from God can cause a chain of outgoing love to Him and to others.
Some excellent points - how true.
Wow, I just completed reading Elizabeth Elliot's book "Through Gates of Splendor" and how they were consumed with God has been on my mind. I want more of HIM,I want to be consumed by HIM.
As the hart panteth after the water brooks,so panteth my soul after thee, O God. Psalms 42:1
Oh Beth, I'm missing everything you listed. I've been so busy that I haven't been spending time in God's Word, haven't had quiet time alone with Him, etc ... Oh dear.
I can tell in my heart too. I miss Him!
Bless you for sharing this with us.
Amen Beth! Consume our hearts with a passion for Your Word Lord, Your Presence and to Worship You. Burn off the chaff of our selfishness and self reliance to see you do wonders in our midst.
This is one of the best posts that I've ever read on a blog.
Your heart.
His heart.
Touched my heart.
Thank you.
Sweet dreams.
I'm holding back on Him.
And there's warfare.
Will you pray for me?
Sweet dreams.
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