Beth and Yolanda
Bill, Yolanda, Me, Melissa and Jimbo
"Have you not known?
Have you not heard?
Has it not been told you from the beginning?
Have you not understood from the foundations
of the earth?
It is He who sits above the circle of the earth.."
(Isaiah 40:21,22)
It surely is He who sits above the circle of the earth. It surely is He who ordained from the very beginning that one day I would cross paths with Yolanda and find a forever friendship.
I began blogging about 7 months ago and one of the very first women that I began to correspond with was Yolanda. We immediately felt a connection between us and we began to communicate through email as well as our blogs. By March, we had already made arrangements to room together in Houston for the Scripture Memory get together and were looking forward to meeting each other as well as many other wonderful women that we have met online.
Imagine our surprise when we discovered that we would both be in Colorado during the same week and we would be passing within about 20 miles of one another. We immediately made plans to get together and yesterday we met in a little town called Silverthorne.
When we pulled up outside of Ruby Tuesday's I recognized my sweet friend immediately. When we hugged each other it was like we had known each other forever. I just felt such a deep connection with her on a personal as well as a spiritual level.
We sat with our husbands and my daughter for over 3 hours eating and visiting and having just the best time. She is blessed with a wonderful, precious husband whose love for her is so evident. My husband and Bill found much to talk about. I was having so much fun and I hated for our time together to come to an end.
When we pulled out of the parking lot I began to reflect on the past 7 months and how amazing it was that God had known about this moment even before we ever knew of one another. He knew we would come in contact with each other. He knew that we would forge a friendship. He knew that we would be in the same place at the same time. He knew that the circumstances would work out for us to be able to meet face to face.
He that sits above the circle of the earth looked down and found favor on me in the fact that He allowed me to meet a most remarkable woman. Yolanda shines with the love of Jesus. She is a godly woman with the sweetest spirit. She is full of the joy of the Lord. Her smile radiates the love of Christ. The Yolanda that you meet on "Higher Grounds", is the Yolanda that you meet in real life. She is a precious woman who is genuinely seeking the heart of God. She is a woman finding favor with God for her obedience to His Word. She is a woman desiring to continue stepping up to a Higher Ground with her precious Savior. And I am a better person for having met her.
The Lord surely blessed me with Yolanda's friendship. He is awesome and mighty and merciful and I praise Him for His goodness.
"Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trust in Him!" (Psalm 34:8)

How wonderful it is to meet someone who has touched you life.
About a week ago I got to meet a blogging friend, too. We were vacationing in Florida and I meet Lisa Shaw.
I love the way God brings us together.
love and hugs~Tammy
Oh Friend, I am so not worthy and the blessing is that YOU see JESUS. JESUS is all that I want for others to see because perhaps the life I've lived will cause another to say, I need JESUS. We all need Jesus, because He tells us that ALL have sinned and fallen short.
I am so thankful to be a Forver Friend, I am so thankful that you and I realize that God ordained this from the beginning of time, and want to lift His Name.
I believe John 11:40 was seen from my eyes and heart on Friday afternoon.
Not sure that I can wait for Houston to get me another drink of water as you shared His Well with me. I know that I have my own well, but sharing is the sharpening of iron.
Love YOU like crazy,
PS: Can you believe that Tammy met Lisa? Oh my ....Lisa if you happen to read this, both Beth and I talked on Friday that we want to meet you!
How wonderful....You two are both precious to me...
Love the picture of you and Yolanda and the group picture is awesome.
I told my ladies class last Sunday that we should always keep in mind when we meet people that some stranger may become our best friend. Each and every person we know was a stranger at one time. How blessed it is that God does bring our paths to cross the path of other Christians brothers and sisters!
God bless,
Oh - you two - I just want to cry reading this. I watched all day yesterday for you guys to post the pictures! Wow!!! Precious gift from God and definitely His plan!! He is soooo good!
What I want to know is - are you [Beth] really short? Or is Yolanda really tall? ;-)
I love you both and am so happy that God allowed you to meet like that!
Those were memories made from heaven!
Choosing JOY,
[JESUS - the One I Worship]
God is amazing. I love to see the small things in life that God does for us. I like to call them MIRACLES IN THE EVERYDAY!!
Don't you love how much God loves us by giving us people who give us a glimpse of who He is.
I can't wait to meet you both one day!
Blessings ~ Lisa
This is so great to read. I love it!! God is truly awesome and amazing. Thanks for sharing!! Have a great weekend!!
God is so amazing! How awesome that you two got to meet in person. Thank you for visiting my blog. I have enjoyed looking thru yours this afternoon. Hope you'll visit again and I hope you have a blessed Sunday.
Glad for your meeting. As I told Yolanda, God is definitely moving in a mighty way via this avenue of blogging. Have fun in January!
This just makes me so excited for you Beth! How wonderful God cares about the details of our hearts! Thank you for your love, encouragement, and example!
that is so wonderful Beth!!! How great that you could spend time together with your husbands and daughter! I love the way Christ brings sisters together in his love! Praise God for this friendship!!
The one thing about the sweet tea, my sister flew in from New Orleans last night and got a kick out of the first thing the servers offer in NC is "Would you like some sweeeeeeet teeea?!" ;)
Reading the posts that both you and Yolanda wrote about your friendship was such a delight...the same story from two points of view. Beautiful!
This is a foretaste of what heaven is like!
Yolanda, and Beth, I share your joy!
To God be the glory.
Ok, girls this is what blogging is all about! How totally sweet and awesome. LOVE this!!! You two are so wonderful. Hugs, Kim
God is so amazing how He brings people into our lives. I love reading Yolanda's blogs as well, so I think that is extra cool!
Thank you for reminding me of those God has put into my life, to cherish and grow with together in Him. Blessings, Laurie
How awesome is that!
What a huge blessing! I love the way God orchestrated your circumstances!
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