"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1)
Last night my husband and I along with our daughter, Melissa, began our journey from Louisiana to Craig, Colorado to visit our youngest daughter, Ashlie and her family.
As we entered the mountains around Denver, I was just taken aback at the magnitude of the beauty of God's creation. Truly this was His majesty in the finest sense of the word. Everywhere I looked the beauty was just astounding. The mountains looked like paint had been spilled down the sides where the colors just all ran down in many different shades. The colors of the sky varied in many shades of blue. The clouds were whiter than I have ever seen them.
I began to think about God our Creator - 'Elohim'. The very first time the word God appears in scripture, it is the plural form of the Hebrew word 'El' and means God the Creator. The plural form emphasizes the majesty of God and the sovereignty of God. It is also a reference to the Trinity. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Our God... our Creator.. was the beginning. He took nothing and made everything. Not only did He form the world and everything in it. Not only did He create such awesome beauty that is just beyond our imaginations. He created us.
We are fashioned in the very image of God. In the very likeness of God. Just the thought that I may bear even the slightest resemblence to God takes my breath away. As I think about the beauty of all He created, I think about how much He not only loved the world but how much He loved and still loves us. It makes me more determined to live my life pleasing to Him.
Thank you Lord for showing us your creation every day. All we have to do is look around and we see the marvelous works of Your hands. You are our Creator. You are Majestic. You are God.
"I will meditate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty, And on Your wondrous works." (Psalm 145:5)

Have a safe and wonderful trip!
Blessings ~ Lisa
Have a great time...take lots of pics! :-)
To think that He spoke it into existence...and that He speaks blessings over us....oh wow. My heart just beats stronger as my mind tries to wrap around that. But I know that I'm BELIEVING GOD!
Can't wait for Wednesday!!!!
I wondered as we traveled 3 hours behind you what your eyes, mind, and thoughts were thinking...and now I have a glimpse!!!!
Love ya
Praying for you and your family dear sister. Have a blessed time!
Happy 4th!
Hi Beth, I've had so much fun catching up with you here. I pray you have a safe and wonderful trip. Enjoy your time with your family ~ and with our Lord! :)
Enjoy every minute of you visit.
And be careful on the drive.
My Dear Friend,
Oh I so love the mountains. The closest we are to the mountains are about 2 hours away, the Adirondack Mountains, Lake Placid area. I'm always in awe when I am amidst them. His creation so beautifully sculpted and majestic. It does take my breath away.
Enjoy your time away visiting your daughter and God bless you while traveling.
Love you,
Hope your trip is awesome....the photo was beautiful...I am like you, always in awe when I see God's creation and handiwork!
Oh - the majesty of God as Creator of this Universe! May His creation always cause us to PRAISE Him for Who He is and all He is!
I can't wait to hear about your time with meeting Yolanda! Take pictures and post them. What a blessing God is allowing for you blog sisters!
Love and prayers for your travels,
Hope you guys have a safe trip. My husband has family in Craig, and they absolutely love it there.
I can just imagine the beauty of it all!!! God is awesome!!!
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