Coming into God's presence.
Pouring out my heart. Searching the scriptures. Seeking direction for our prayer time.
Interceding on behalf of those in need of healing, restoration, a touch.
Listening to God speak to us individually and collectively. Being a unified body of Christ.
Seeing where we have been and where we are going.
Deep calls unto deep.
The more I learn, the more knowledge I desire.
The more I seek, the deeper I want to go.
The more I find, the more I want to search.
The closer I get to Jesus, the closer I desire to be.
Oh, to be in His Presence.
Where there is peaceful exhilaration, comfort and joy.
Where the quiet speaks. Where the deep beckons. Where I feel His touch and sense His Spirit.
God, You have enlightened my understanding and opened my eyes to such awesome Truths.
You have revealed my chains of bondage and caused my soul to tremble.
Shame threatens to blanket my being with an overwhelming sense of failure.
Yet... the Sanctuary resounds with echoes of Mercy and whispers of Grace.
From my inner depths there emerges the victorious shout of an overcomer. Joy bubbles forth. Humility bows low.
I feast on His Word. I savor it's sweetness. I know He is good.
I come into His Presence.

Sweet Beth...this is just beautiful! I love those words "deeps calls unto deep"... so descriptive of the love relationship with our God... the more we find of Him, the more we desire!
Bless you,
This has the look and feel of a meditation, if not a prayer. I love the "deep calls unto deep", for truly it's a vocal that connects one believing heart to another - often without words.
You're a blessing, friend. Thank you for sharing your depths.
I love your heart ~~ I love your transparency. You are such a joy and delight to the Father and to us here on your blog.
I love you so dear one,
Sharing the depths of your heart here is like allowing us into this intimate chamber and it is filled with a love that is so unconditional, so peaceful, so deep. A safe and beautiful place that I can't imagine letting go of...but that is the Beautiful way of our Father ~ He fills us so that we can continue on and be about HIS business :) Oh Bless HIM, Praise HIM!!
I love you so my friend.....only 1 more day til your sweet baby girl is home! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
"The more I learn, the more I desire"....AMEN!
Blessings, hugs, and prayers, andrea
Such a blessed assurance, knowing that God is good.
Love ya
Such a beautiful heartfelt prayer and praise. His presence is indeed the place to be comforted and filled with more of Him.
The one thing missing from most of our lives is that peace that passes all understanding. I too, am finding myself craving the quiet time with my Savior.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Oh - Beth - Amen and Amen!
This post reminds me of that tiny little verse tucked away in
James 4:8 ......
"Draw nigh [near] unto God, and He will draw nigh [near] unto you!
The more we get closer to Him the more He moves in toward us! It is sooooo TRUE and sometimes even scary! The last few days have been that way with me..... I even said to Him last night before I went to sleep,
"Lord if you get any closer this week - I'm gonna see You with skin on!"
I'll take whatever He will let me see of His glory! Praise Him!
Leaping [by faith] for JOY,
[JESUS - The One I Long For]
This is beautiful, Beth. I know that one of the people you are praying for is my brother. For that, I am truly grateful!
You are a blessing...
You have a great way with words!
He is awesome!
Beth, this is a beautiful post!
So much here that speaks to my heart.....
"The more I seek, the deeper I want to go"
"The more I find, the more I want to search......closer, closer.....
Bless you for sharing!!
Sweet Blessings!
Amen! This is beautiful Beth!!
His Love leaves me longing to know Him more, to search deeper, to listen closer! Your words express the depth so eloquently. You bless us so much!
Thank you Beth.
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