"But indeed for this purpose I have raised you up, that I may show my power in you and that My name may be declared in all the earth" (Exodus 9:16)
Surely, the Lord has a purpose for my precious daughter. I know that He didn't call her to the mission field so the enemy could strike her down. He called her so that His name could be exalted above all names. He called her so that He could show Himself mighty in her life. He called her that she might be strengthened in His love and made a purposeful and passionate woman of God.
He is taking her through the fire, but walking beside her. He is taking her through the rivers that won't overflow her. He is holding her, guiding her, carrying her and comforting her. She will emerge from this trial stronger and more passionate. She will emerge more confident and more caring. She will emerge renewed and restored.
Thank you precious Father, for the miracles you have performed in her life so far. Thank you for what you are doing in her life right now. Thank you for what You will do in her precious life in the future. You will raise her up and You will receive all the glory that You so richly deserve.
Melissa got her first dose of Artesunate last night around 8 PM. She had no adverse reaction. This was the first of 4 doses she will receive of this IV push medicine and then she will start on an oral medication for 3 days (not sure of the name yet). They got the results of her blood work from last night back and her platelets are down to 11,000. Of course, I had a look of pure panic on my face, but Dr. P assured me that he wasn't worried. He told me NOT to worry. He told me if he was worried, that he would tell me. He said that she would not begin to make more platelets until her liver begins to heal. He did say her billirubin was down to a 10, so that is a GOOD thing. Melissa also says that she doesn't feel as much pressure under her ribcage so maybe that is an indicator that the swelling in her liver and spleen is down.
The nurse came to the ICU waiting room to get me at 6:30 this morning. Melissa had quickly spiked a fever of 105 and they were putting her on the electric water cooling blanket. It took an hour to bring her fever down to 104.5. Another hour and a half to get it to 103.3. It finally came down to 101.2 about 10:45 am and they turned it off. Within 5 minutes, it was back up to 101.5 and they had to turn it back on. It was several hours before it came down to under 100 and so far it hasn't gone back up. She had her first temperature under 99 around 8 PM! Praise the Lord! He is mighty and awesome.
God has shown me so many times these last few days just how wonderful He is. He has shown me just how mighty and powerful He is. He has shown me that He will never leave me. Never forsake me. Never take His hand of love off of me.
He has carried me. He has covered me. He has shown me that Melissa is His baby. Melissa is His creation. As much love and care He showed when He formed her, He shows just as much love and care now as He takes care of her.
We are still just playing the waiting game. The doctors aren't sure when we can expect to begin seeing improvement in her numbers. This is uncharted territory for all involved. If I stop and think about it too much, I can really get myself worked up and then the tears just come. I have to remind myself that God is in control. He already knows the outcome. He already knows what tomorrow holds. I don't have to worry about any of it, because He has it taken care of. All I have to do is trust Him.
She received dose #3 around 8 PM tonight and will get the 4th and final dose of Artesunate at 8PM tomorrow night. They are drawing blood every 6 hours checking her levels. I am just anxiously awaiting the good news of her increased platelets and her decreased billirubin. I am believing God that it will happen soon. I am holding on to His Word. I am holding on to Him.
Please continue to pray! I appreciate each one of you more than you can ever imagine. Melissa says thank you for praying! We love you all so much.
In His Grip, Beth
We are still just playing the waiting game. The doctors aren't sure when we can expect to begin seeing improvement in her numbers. This is uncharted territory for all involved. If I stop and think about it too much, I can really get myself worked up and then the tears just come. I have to remind myself that God is in control. He already knows the outcome. He already knows what tomorrow holds. I don't have to worry about any of it, because He has it taken care of. All I have to do is trust Him.
She received dose #3 around 8 PM tonight and will get the 4th and final dose of Artesunate at 8PM tomorrow night. They are drawing blood every 6 hours checking her levels. I am just anxiously awaiting the good news of her increased platelets and her decreased billirubin. I am believing God that it will happen soon. I am holding on to His Word. I am holding on to Him.
Please continue to pray! I appreciate each one of you more than you can ever imagine. Melissa says thank you for praying! We love you all so much.
In His Grip, Beth
(Her temperature was 104 at 8:30 am)
Ashlie came to visit and brought Bryton....
And little Sawyer...

Lord we ask you to heal Melissa's body and that this medicine will be a tool you use to do that, guide the Drs and give them wisdom about how to treat her. We ask for strength for Beth as she sits by her. We know you have Melissa in your hands and we know this situation will bring glory to your name and that those around them will know that she was healed by you and know your kingdom will be shown to all who see her walk out healed in your name!! Amen!!
"Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done."
1 Chronicles 16:8
Oh Beth------
Give Melissa a big hug for me and let her know that I am praying for the Lord to teach her great lessons THROUGH this trial and journey. When He brings us to this place of suffering - He has a great work to do IN us!
Keep trusting Him for His Hand of love and care over her. You are right - she is HIS first!
Father God-------
Would you keep your tight grip on this precious daughter and her mother too? Would you teach them even more about Yourself and Your ways? Would you show them that Your Word is TRUTH - that You can be trusted THROUGH the FIRE and through the floods of life? Would you show mercy and favor over Melissa's life and grant her healing but the anointing of Your Holy Spirit's power? We will praise Your Name even now - even before we see what You are about to do! IN JESUS' NAME, AMEN!
Thank you for the update! I believe that she will continue to recover completely. God has more for her to do. :)
Thank you for sharing Melissa's miracle as it happens. The wonder of putting things into God's hands is that we can relax and enjoy our children and let God do the hard work of healing them. Praying for her to be completely healed soon. I agree with Truth Sharer: there are lessons to be learned in every trial.
Oh Beth, I just got home from Thanksgiving weekend and read your posts about Melissa! I'm praying for her and you right now!!!!
Lord, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, I come before you right now on behalf of Melissa and I thank you that no weapons formed against her will prosper and that Melissa is the healed of the Lord! I thank you that she is covered by the Blood of Jesus and that every cell in her body responds to your healing power!! I thank you Lord that according to your Word, the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in her body and quickens and makes fully alive every organ, her blood, her tissues, her chemistry and every part of her being!! I thank you that she is redeemed from every disease and sickness and she will fully recover and proclaim the goodness of her Lord!!! I pray peace over her body and Divine Wisdom upon all those who attend to her!! Lord I ask that Beth will be filled with Your mighty strength, encouragement and peace as she rests in You and Your promises!! I thank you Lord that your mighty hand is upon Melissa and that you are working wonders in her midst!! We give you all the praise, honor, and glory....In Jesus' Name!! Amen!!
Beth, I'm standing with you.......please keep us posted!
He is Faithful!!
Sweet Blessings!
I came by this morning to see if there was any update from the post I read previously and as I read and prayed the word you wrote that struck my spirit was: EMERGE!
I just have to tell you that I wept and shouted right there because that's what SHALL happen.
Melissa will EMERGE from every bit of this attack and come out RESTORED through the POWER OF JESUS CHRIST!!!
Her body must EMERGE from this illness in Jesus Name! GOD has much work for her to do for the Kingdom. Hallelujah!
Keeping with you in prayer.
Beth, Thanks for the update, and thanks be to God who sustains us. Your testimony through this will be one of power and might by the grip of His hand. You've all been on my heart and in my prayers since I first learned of this. Glory to God for His healing, restoration, and renewal. Blessings, SusanD
I'm so sorry. I have been off of blogger and unaware of Melissa's illness. Lifting each of you and especially her up in prayer now!
Love You!
Beth, I love how that going through the fiery trials that we were promised by God that we would walk through, that YOU continue to see God as good, faithful, loving and in control. I am thinking God has to be surely sayin', THAT'S MY GIRL!.
Can't even fathom all the GLORY GOD will receive from Melissa's lips on the other side of this, wow, glory glory glory.
Love ya!
Sister Beth, after working this weekend, I anticipated hearing from you about Melissa. Because it does help to know what specifics we need to pray for her. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Having gone through 2 trips to ER and a lot to my son's primary MD few mos. ago for his headaches and dizziness, it was the Lord who comforted my hubby, my son & I. My son remained strong because of His wonderful promises that we uttered out loud and reminded ourselves with. Despite the fear of even losing him at that time [as all the tests came back normal and they were not sure what kind of viral thing happened], the Lord softly whispered into my heart, "What are you afraid of? Didn't I give you,my children the deliverance in everything?" I asked for forgiveness in my mind as my son was laying on the guerney in ER. And peace instead came over the 3 of us. In a few days, he was healed, but the more he understood what it meant to remain trusting in the Lord.
I know it's easier said than done that we must not worry. But if we see things through His eyes, then, it is indeed easier!
As I end my comment now, I will take a pause and pray, not only for Melissa, but for you, your hubby and your family as well. May God sustain you all with His love, strength, joy, peace, wisdom and comfort. Blessings to you sister and if the doctor said, "don't worry", what more that the Doctor said that long ago...Pls.tell Melissa to be "strong in the Lord's mighty power" [Eph.6:10.]
YES! God is in control! Sending love & big prayers right now!!!! "The Lord stood at my side and gave me strength." 2 Tim 4:17
Asking our Father to pour over you all with Peace in HIM! Standing on HIS Word and HIS PRomises for all of you! Trusting this is a testimony for the KINDGOM. The Doctors and the nurses are seeing God move in a whole new way!
Please give Melissa a hug and I know she knows she is being prayed for. HUGGING YOU TOOO!
I love you Friend and I am here for you if you need me!
We are continuing to storm the heavens on Melissa's behalf.
If you would like a prayer button for Melissa for each of us to post on our blogs, you should contact Edie at http://richgifts.blogspot.com
Edie does these free for urgent prayer requests. She is truly as precious lady who uses her gifts for HIS kingdom.
Blessings and prayers, andrea
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