
Friday, May 21, 2010

seeking expecting to find... and a chance to win something!

I just love the word 'seek'. It represents so many things to me pertaining to my walk with God. It is my desire. It is my joy. I love being a seeker of Him.

When we are seeking, we are expecting to find something. There is no seeking unless you are looking for something specific. We are all seekers in some form or another. Everyone seeks, but not everyone seeks good things.

Some people just seem to be seekers of trouble. Others seek fortune or fame. There are those who seek to harm or discredit other people. And then there are seekers of God.

Matthew 12:43 tells us that an unclean spirit seeks rest in dry places. As Christians, we need to be seeking rest in the well-watered fertile ground of God's Holy Word.

Dry places only contain thirstiness. Unrest. Discomfort. Lack. Barrenness. And drought.

But when we seek Him and our precious Lord brings a fragrant rain to those places, we will be satisfied. Rested. Comforted. Rooted. Fruitful. And abundant.

My absolute favorite verse in the bible is Jeremiah 29:13. It says, "And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart."

Seeking is searching. It is looking with great expectation to find something. Seeking also indicates that we realize there is something to be found. Seeking can stem from not being satisfied in the flesh. Our spirits long for more. As Christians, we should always be in a state of seeking.

Seeking more of Him.
Seeking to go deeper.
Seeking to love him more.
Seeking to know Him more intimately.
Seeking a life fully grounded in Christ.

To accomplish this, we must stay in the Word. His Word is where the power is. His Word is where the Truth is. His Word holds the treasure we find when we are seeking Him passionately and with purpose.

Let's gaze into the water of His mighty Word.
Seeking to find and reflect the image of Christ.

And find the abundant and effective life that He so desires for us.

Thirsting for more,
Leave me a comment between now and Monday, telling me what you are seeking in Christ and I will enter your name in a drawing to receive a hand-painted (by me) canvas like the one in my picture. I will do any word and any colors you desire. (If you don't like the canvas - just tell me and I'll find you something else!!) I will draw a name Monday morning.


Unknown said...

I always love your insights! I will be looking at the word 'seeking' in an entirely new way. I especially love this line, "But when we seek Him and our precious Lord brings a fragrant rain to those places, we will be satisfied. Rested. Comforted. Rooted. Fruitful. And abundant." You have such a way with words!

Barbara said...

Oh me too, I love to seek his face, to find all those little golden nuggets he has tucked away in his word for me, God is so awesome, and I have never tried to seek him that he could not be found, amen, God is alway in, he is always available to his own.
Lots of Hugs, Barbara

Ella said...

A beautiful post Beth...So many times I am refreshed when I read the words God has given you. I am seeking the outpouring , over the top , full of the holy spirit, no room for fear , faith-filled walk in Christ Jesus!
He is Faithful and I am learning to be, everyday ~
Love in Christ, Ella

Angel said...

I always love what you have to say. I love seeking Him and then watching Him show up is so many ways big and small!! I am always seeking to find/see the JOY in every situation!! So I would obviously pick JOY!! Love and Blessings to you

Heart2Heart said...


Oh how I love your creativity in this wonderful giveaway opportunity. I would have to say I am seeking a stronger and more intimate relationship with my father and therefore can work with the teens that are frequenting my home filled with so many troubled people. When I seek God's face, I can understand what it is He needs me to share. Look for my blog later today about how impactful God has been in that part of my life.

I am blog visiting now but wanted to let you know great blessings are coming.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Tammy said...

I love seeking Him, finding out who my LORD is. As He shows me His way, my life just becomes more peaceful!

Great food for thought!

Saleslady371 said...

Beautiful thoughts, Beth, about seeking the Lord. I am seeking restoration. He is faithful. I love Him, too! Thank you for prayer for my family.

Dawning Inspiration said...

I'm seeking to increase and rely on my Faith - so if I won that's the word I'd choose.

Fabulous post Beth...thanks!

Unknown said...

I was taken in by the words, "seeking something specific." I often find that the times I am most earnestly seeking is when I am seeking an answer. Not wanting that to the be the only reason that I seek at all, but I think I can take something from that. Perhaps I can seek a specific aspect of God that I so desperately need and meditate on that. It gives me a goal and a focus instead of being an overwhelming task at times to "know God."

Andrea said...

Forever!! That would be a great word!!


Loren said...

What a beautiful post Beth. I love that the LORD longs for us to EXPECT, to SEEK, to come with great anticipation knowing and trusting the HE will deliver! and HE does in ways that are far beyond what we could have imagined....

I guess for me right now I am seeking Peace. or Restoration. There is so much family stuff going on or rather coming out and it is all good but just one of those seasons that is tough to walk through! Without HIM though it would be a awful. But I am seeing the Lord move in my family who hasn't accepted HIM as their LORD and THAT is truly what I seek! but I have to have the PEACE til that happens :) goodness....sorry I got to ramblin!

Love you Beth

Every Day Blessings said...

What am I seeking.....Peace! This move has been a huge transition for me. Why? I don't know. I feel happiest when I am closest to him but I feel so out of place here. Thank you for such sweet insight.

Wylie @ Shout A Joyful Noise! said...

I love the Jer 29. I love being near Him!

mholgate said...

Such wisdom and insight, as usual Beth! :)

Right now, my husband and I are seeking His counsel and direction for our future.


kanishk said...

A beautiful post
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Dionna said...

I never thought about it before, but I like the word "seek" too. :)

Yolanda said...


Drats...I missed this, and that is my word, as well as yours...and you know this so well!!!

Kat will truly enjoy and be blessed, but if you made that, sweet Sister....hmmmm.....