As I was doing my bible study by Kay Arthur, she asks this question. "Do you know people who acknowledge the worship of God yet don't seem fully aligned with His Kingdom? If so, what things seem to take priority in their lives and do these things take precedence over God and His work?"
Talk about a loaded question! The answer is most assuredly, yes. I thought about it and I came to a realization that all things take priority over God in the lives of people who haven't begun to understand who God is and what surrender actually means.
Even as Christians it is so easy to get bogged down and side-tracked in this materialistic, success-driven, 'all about me' world that we live in. We want to say all the right things, wear all the right clothes, do all the right stuff and appear all the right ways. We are willing to do what it takes to be 'somebody' in the world. But are we willing to do what it takes to be committed to being somebody in God's Kingdom?
We can know God and we can confess Him as Lord. But is our allegiance to Him? Are we living in total obedience and unwavering loyalty to Christ and the spreading of the gospel? Are we seeking things when we need to be seeking truths? Are we seeking pleasure when we need to be seeking purpose?
If most of us (including me) are honest with ourselves, we would admit that we aren't completely surrendered to God's will. We have this inborn longing and need to fit in. The dissatisfaction we so often feel in our lives feeds our desire for more of something. We want to make more, to have more, so we spend more, to be more and then we desire more, so we have to make more! How crazy is that!
What we need is more Jesus. More time spent in the Word. More time spent in prayer. More time spent communing with God. More time producing fruit.
God deserves our firsts and not our lasts. Anything less than our best is divided allegiance. Our number one focus should be Christ. We need to give more than just lip service to our Lord. We need to make Christ the top priority in word and deed. Let the fruit that we bear be witness to this. Deny ourselves. Take up our cross. Follow Jesus.
"Therefore by their fruits you will know them" (Matthew 7:20)
Seeking Him,
Why Listen to Jesus?
6 days ago
I needed to read this post, Beth!! This is an area of my life that I need so much work on-- the part where you said:
"We have this inborn longing and need to fit in."
Mine has been the focus of because we don't have 'such and such' then others(family members esp.) will think less of us. When my thoughts should be is the Lord pleased with how I am walking with Him. Am I spending my time in His word enough or sharing the gospel even when I am just going to the grocery store?
Beth, your words are very timely and I thank the Lord for you!
This morning started very much in the flesh and not in His Spirit. Something happened and I immediately went to the flesh. If I just started on my knees this morning.... Now to get back in line with His word. :)
Blessings to you,
Miriam :)
Amen! This past year God has been teaching me something along these lines - by asking me to answer one question. "Is this for My Kingdom purposes?" That can relate to something I am going to buy - or something I am going to spend time doing - or even the relationships that I spend time developing or engaging in. It applies to anything and everything - and has really helped me [when I answer it honestly before God] to keep my priorities straight - on HIM!
You girls bless me more than you can imagine! Thanks for the confirmation that I am hearing from God.
Seeking Him,
"The dissatisfaction we so often feel in our lives feeds our desire for more of something." Powerful! If only we would wise up and realize that the cavernous hole can only be filled by Christ. Thank you for the very timely reminder.
I so needed this post today. This is how I have been feeling lately. I so want to be pleasing to my Jesus, but that requires that I give up time to "myself" and give that time to Him. He wants my everything. Thank you for this GREAT reminder.
Have a Blessed evening,
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