Nana and Bryton after bathtime!
What do you get when you take one filthy little boy with sticky hands and perhaps a little grape jelly on his mouth and then you dunk him in a tub filled with soapy water? Miracle of miracles, you get a squeaky clean little fella looking just like he did when he started his day fresh. He comes out smelling so clean. He comes out looking brand new! There is nothing like a good soaking to get rid of the dirt we accumulate during the course of our day. I couldn't help but think about this when my youngest daughter was bathing her little boy the other day. When I lifted Bryton out of the tub he looked quite different than when she plopped his little body in there. He went in dirty and came out clean!
I am so thankful for the cleansing blood of our precious Lord. I am thankful that when I accumulate a little "dirt" in the process of my daily life, I can go to Him for a little dunking in some sudsy living water and come out squeaky clean. I can be washed as white as snow. A fresh start... a fresh feeling... ready for a fresh encounter.
Thank you, Lord for the cleansing power of your Word. Thank you, Lord that we can come to you and get rid of the filth we collect during the day. Thank you for sanctification through Jesus.
"Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water." (Hebrews 10:22)
Great picture of a what a good "soaking" can do! If we would only have the faith that He is capable of removing all the "sticky sin" once and for all!
I can never, ever, thank Him enough for His cleansing of me.
Lovely post!
What a beautiful post! I loved the scripture you chose.
Thank you for visiting my blog today! I look forward to coming back by here for some more of the Father's love.
Merry Christmas!
I was just at your blog when you commented on mine. It is wonderful to see your grandchildren. My eldest son is getting married in June and I so hope that the Lord will bless them with children. They truly are an inheritance from the Lord. Thank you Beth!
You are an amazing writer! I hope I will one day reach such a level in my writing! Thank you for commenting on my post!
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