I am a perfectionist. It's something that I have always considered a good thing. I mean, I love a very neat house. I just love to clean (really!). Everything in my house has a place and I like them in it.. My husband has told people, that if he get's out of bed at night to go to the bathroom, that I will make up the bed behind him! I just love things to be orderly and sometimes I admit I am a little excessive. My kids will tell me, "Mama, just sit down and relax!". And I wonder why I have high blood pressure...
I have rewritten my LPM scripture memory cards 4 times. I am absolutely not kidding. The first several times, I just couldn't get them to look the way I wanted. Then when I was adding my last scripture, I couldn't find the same kind of pen that I had been using (in different colors of course) so I redid them all. I hope that y'all don't think less of me =)
So as I was studying today and reading "Living Free", guess what just jumped out of the book and into my heart? Perfectionism is a stronghold. It's bondage. Perfectionism is bondage, because it is something that we can't ever obtain. There is only One Perfect being and that is God. If we strive for things that are unattainable, we set ourselves up for failure and disappointment. Then we think that we are unpleasing to God and then our human nature causes us to think that we are spiritual failures. It can cause us to doubt our salvation and it spins us into a vicious cycle.
* we renew our commitment to the Lord
* something happens and we feel like a failure
* we become angry at ourselves for "failing"
* then the feeling of despair sets in
So then our thoughts turn inward and our focus is on our own inadequacy. It begins to exalt itself in our thoughts. So the quest for perfectionism thus becomes the quaking of our spiritual lives and then it becomes the graveyard of our growth process.
"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)
This applies to anything in our life that is perhaps taking a stronghold effect on us. We have to realize that we cannot please God by being perfect. If we focus on our sins and our inadequacies, we are not pleasing Him. The only focus that will change our lives is if we steer our focus to God. The more we focus on Him, the less we will focus on ourselves. My over obsessive behavior in essence takes over my ability to keep my sights on Him. If I am too full of my self, there is no room for God.
Our focus has to be in His Word and in prayer. Like the scripture says, we have to take our thoughts captive to Christ and make His thoughts our thoughts. We have to make Him our focus. More of Him, less of me.
Lord, help me to realize that when I think I am trying to strive for perfectionism, I am really striving for the unattainable. Help me to put You first. I want to make Your thoughts, my thoughts. I want my focus to be on You. I want to be more like You, Lord. Help me to break out of the bondage and into the glorious light of freedom!

:-) I can fall into the same tendencies at times. We often have to diagram out create flowcharts at work for new programs. Everyone knows to just get them close and I'll straighten them up. It drives me crazy. But I never thought of it as a stronghold before.
Lord I don't want to be shackled by anything in this life. I want to walk in the freedom you give. Help me to focus on you!
Blessings - Lisa
Can I just tell you, NOW I KNOW why you and I have gravitated to one another!!!!????!!!!
I am a woman of perfectionism as well, and I'm telling you, FULL BLOWN BONDAGE until God placed Bill in my life and a dog. My life and my home has not been the same ever since. Bill calls me "Sleeping With The Enemy" as I'm the enemy.....perfectionism.
I lost it over you rewriting your memory cards FOUR TIMES. I love my journal to be written in the same blue ink.
Oh, I could just go on and on, but more importantly is that you and I have JESUS in our hearts.
Love ya!
Oh Beth.... this is so me!! When I read the part about rewriting your scripture cards I thought I would just roll onto the floor laughing. I am so obsessed about stuff like that. I have a calendar that sits our on the counter that I write in... but if the pages become crinkled the least little bit... I have to get out another calendar (because you know that I have about 6 for each year) and rewrite everything... even what happened in January when it is already summer.
I would certainly call it bondage.
This is an area God has been speaking to me about recently. Bondage... not exactly the paper issues I have. Thanks so much for sharing this....
Also, thanks so much for visiting my blog recently and leaving a sweet comment.
I've been a perfectionist all my life, and then I married Billy, and then I got over myself to a degree.
I still have my tendencies, but overall, I'm free from most of it.
Great post! Keep tending to the voice within and what He might be saying to you in this area. He'll work it out and bring you some balance.
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