Happy 27th Birthday to my sweet son-in-law Cody.
Cody has been a big blessing to our family. We met Cody when he was just a 19 year old kid. In the past 7 1/2 years, we have watched him mature into the fine young man that he is now. He has now been my son-in-law for 3 years.
My daughter, Ashlie, is blessed to have Cody for her husband. He loves her with all of his heart and he has taken such good care of her. He works hard and even works away from home alot to make sure that he is able to provide for his family. Cody loves the Lord and it just thrills my heart to see him grow and mature spiritually. I know the Lord has mighty things in store for him.
I remember when Bryton - their firstborn son - made his entrance into this world. Cody and I were in the delivery room and when that little fella appeared, I could just see the love for that baby all over his face. As they whisked Bryton to NICU, I then got to see firsthand the love and concern he had for Ashlie as she tried to deal with what was happening with her baby.
Cody tried so hard to stay strong for her and together they made it through the tough times. That experience in their lives definitely brought them closer together. By the time Sawyer was born and they went through the same thing, they were stronger and able to handle things better.
Bryton and Sawyer are blessed little boys to have such a fabulous father. He loves his sweet babies with all of his heart. Bryton loves to go "pishin'" with his daddy (just by the little pond). He loves it when he rides him on the 4-wheeler. He just loves being wherever his daddy is. I love how Bryton tells you his name is "Bryton Daddy Cody Huffty". He loves his daddy and I guess since his middle name is his daddy's name, he gets a little confused! Sawyer is still too little to be away from his mommy, but I know as Sawyer gets a little older, he will love his daddy just as much.
I am proud to have Cody for my son-in-law. I couldn't ask for a better husband for Ashlie or a better daddy to my sweet grandsons. I am truly blessed by his presence in our family.
Happy birthday, Cody. I pray that the Lord will continue to bless you and guide you and that you will seek Him with all of your heart.
I love you,

Happy Birthday Cody! What a blessing you are to your family and a role-model for your sons.
Blessings ~ Lisa
Happy Birthday to your son-in-law! What a blessing it is to watch him grow in the Lord and to see him model Jesus to his family!
blessings to you my friend
Awww...happy birthday, Cody! He sounds like a wonderful young man.
Happy Birthday Cody!
Miss Beth, your family is such a huge gigantic blessing!
Love ya,
Please pass along birthday blessings and wishes to Cody today. We definitely need a lot more men like him becoming fathers and husbands and sharing with the world what it truly means to be a man after God's own heart.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Happy Birthday Cody!!! He sounds like such a blessing to your family!
I LOVE this post! How awesome that you are so supportive and loving to Cody.And I think it is awesome that your daughter has a wonderful husband. I hope that he has the best birthday.
Happy Birthday Cody and GOD BLESS! You are a beautiful family!
Aww, Happy Birthday to your Cody! What a blessing!!
Love you dear sister. You are a beautiful ray of encouragement online.
What a sweet Birthday tribute to your son in law! Happy Birthday to Cody!
Gods favor this week Beth!
Robin :)
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