When the wind blows gently in the trees... I hear Him.
When the thunder crashes like clanging cymbals... I hear Him.
When the rain patters a constant staccato against the window pane... I hear Him.
When the birds sing a sweet melody. When the frogs croak a deep chorus. When the crickets chirp their little song. I hear Him.
He is ever-present in our daily lives. We just have to take the time to slow down and open the ears of our heart and listen closely.
We hear His voice like a flowing river... a mighty thunder.. a crackling lightning flash.
When I see the kaleidoscope of colors in a newly appearing rainbow.
When I feel the warm sensation of the sun on my face.
When I smell the sweet fragrance of freshly mown grass.
When I cradle a newborn baby.
I hear Him.
"Be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth." (Psalm 46:10)
When He chooses silence....
I seek His face - I search His Word - I desire a touch - I crave His presence. I need a fresh glimpse of His glory.
On my face.
Crying out.
Reaching up.
And when He's ready....

That's lovely Beth. :)
Seeking, listening, and when He's ready I too am listening.
Blessings ~ Lisa
On Beth! Beautiful. Also, that you would hear him in the silence.
Lovely ...
Beautiful. Thank you!
Please stop by arise 2 write. I have an award for you. If your name is not in the list,know it was meant for you, too. I ran out of steam before I got done.
Blessings, andrea
This is just beautiful Beath. God is in everything and we don't have to go anywhere to find Him ... He's right here all the time!
Hello again Ms. Beth!
I have to read this to my 6-years-old daughter because she says just about the exact same things and I love it! I just love the purity in her heart and long for the sight that she has to see God in everything!
Wonderful post! We do have to slow down and listen!
I, too, hear him and see him through his creation. As I stop to listen and to see, he never fails to show his simplistic glory in fantastic fashion! God's fingerprints all over this place; I've needed them a lot as of late.
Beautifully said.
Praying for the ears to hear! His whispers are what I live for.
It is so true that we can see and hear God in everyday things. He is always with us, always watching and always talking if we only take the time to listen.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Oh He is in all of creation if we just stop and pay attention. Wonderful Beth! Love you!
What a beautiful post Beth! I love this and YES HE is in everything when we seek and choose to see and hear through HIS eyes! Sometimes we have to look deeper and sometimes it is right before our eyes but no matter HE is with us ALWAYS speaking and longing to commune with us!
I love your heart....it is filled with beauty and the Love of Christ overflows in all you do and say!
I am so encouraged in your heart to share with us.
"On my face.
Crying out.
Reaching up.
And when He's ready....
This reminds me of my walk through Shepherd's Walk each day with the Lord. As I go through praying at each station of
The Sanctuary CIRCLE is here.
I stop in the middle in the Sanctuary Circle and - listen - be still before the Lord - and I hear Him - in all of the things your mentioned. I see Him as birds fly overhead, as butterflies go across the middle, and even as a Royal Blue Wasp/Fly digs a hole to bury her eggs. May we all take notice and pay attention to WHO GOD IS and what He is doing in and around us. For He is leading us - teaching us - and loving us all at the same time.
This was a beautiful visual, Beth!
Choosing JOY, Stephanie
[JESUS the One I THIRST For]
Me to..because we both know He IS faithful!
Hey, Beth! So glad that you visited my blog!! I have seen your precious face on the blogs of others and decided to hop over and visit! And, what a wonderful visit! I love your writing and how you share your relationship with God. Your family is beautiful!!
Man will I think about this every time I walk outside.
Psalm 46:10 is one of my favorite verses.
Beautiful post, Beth!
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