Basically, this verse is telling (or warning) us that if we conceal our transgressions or our sins, we are preventing ourselves from being able to experience the compassion and the mercy of the Lord.
God can't begin the act of forgiveness if we haven't begun the act of confession.
Confession is an act that we seem to get a little confused about.
Confession isn't just about admitting our sins. It's not just about asking God to forgive us for some wrongdoing or inappropriate thought. It's not something to be taken lightly.
Confession is about repentance. We have to not only be sorry for our sins, we have to fully turn away from them. It's an act of beginning anew. It's an act of turning over a new leaf. It's new mercy.
I can still remember when my girls were little, the thing that disturbed me the most was when they would say mean things to one another. Words can hurt unlike anything else. When I would chastise them about it, sometimes they would flippantly tell their sister, "I'm sorry". But based on the tone of their voice and the expression on their face, it was quite obvious that they didn't mean it one bit!
I would tell them that if they were truly sorry for their wrongdoing it would generate a completely different attitude. Without a changed heart, "I'm sorry" just winds up being empty words with no meaning.
When we confess to God, our confession must be one of complete humility. One of complete conviction. One of complete conversion.
A conversion in our heart causes us to grieve over that sin. A conversion in our heart causes us to gravitate in another direction. A conversion causes us to generate new attitudes and new reactions.
True conviction leads to true confession which leads to a true conversion.
"For the word of the Lord is right. And all His work is done in truth" (Psalm 33:4)
Precious Father, help us to recognize when our lives comes to the point where we need a true confession and a true conversion. Help us to be convicted of sin where we may be unaware. Help us to be grieved in our hearts over wrongdoing. Help us to find the strength to be able to turn away from our sins and never pick it back up again.
Thank you Lord for your Word. Thank you Lord for sending Jesus, that we might have the forgiveness of those sins and that through Him we can have eternal life that comes only through the blood of your precious Son. Thank you Lord for Mercy.
"For your Word has given me life" (Psalm 119:50)

Awesome word today! Confession is so good for the soul. I am so thankful for the convicting power of the Holy Spirit. I am thankful for those overpowering "gut checks" in the pit of my stomach. Blessings and have an incredible day!
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Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day and leaving such a sweet comment. Now I have met you and plan to return the friendship gesture.
Amen and thank you! You are always faithful to speak GOD's word directly to us. GOD BLESS, andrea
This is completely true. Even when our children apologize for their wrong doing, we tell them to include why it was wrong and what they did as part of the apology. I'm sorry is just too easy for them to say and I want them to remember how it got to that place in the first place.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Rhema Word today! Yes it can be confused but when true confession and repentance comes THEN along comes Freedom! Sweet Freedom!!
Love to you Beth and thankyou for your prayers for Dad !!
Wise words about kids saying sorry - I know exactly what you mean and need to endeavour to ensure my kids mean it when they apologise!
Collette xxx
My Dear Friend,
Confession and repentence are so vitally and critically important in our daily walk. Your post is so powerful and reveals exactly what all of us are to do.
I hope all who read this and are new to your site, really think about this post word for word and do what God wants each one of us to do regarding confession, repentence, asking for forgiveness and being granted mercy.
Thank you for such powerful, powerful words today and every day.
Love you so much,
Peace, Blessings & Hugs,
God spoke to me through this verse about my abortion. I knew God had forgiven me but I couldn't forgive myself.
It was then He showed me that I wasn't FORSAKING my sin, leaving it at the Cross... I realized He has ever asked me to forgive myself. It just one more lie the enemy uses to keep us in bondage!
What He wanted was for me to receive His forgiveness and LEAVE my sin at the Cross. To stop saying "I can't forgive myself" because by saying that,I wasn't truly convinced that I was forgiven.
After that day,I stopped looking at what I could do and started seeing what Jesus did for me.
Yes, I have been through the flippant "I'm sorry" scene wth my children, too. And sometimes the insincere apology is directed toward me, which I find very difficult to accept and forgive.
Wondering how our Father feels when our "I'm sorry" is anything less than sincere. Hmmmm.
Thanks for this exhortation today!
Oh, to never pick it back up again.
As I ask God to show me how to make more room for Him in my heart - confession, turning away from sin and turning to Him are at the very center.
Blessings ~ Lisa
Great word my friend!
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