There probably isn't anyone reading this that couldn't use a little heart healing. Life can be brutal and too many times our hearts are the victims.
Harsh words, betrayals, rejection, apathy - all these can cause deep wounds that go straight to our hearts. Wounds that we can't imagine will ever heal. Wounds that render us weak, tired, worn out and beaten. Wounds that leave visible and invisible scars.
The only thing that can bind those wounds and jumpstart the healing process is a dose of God's Word. A continual dose of God's Word. It needs to drip into our bodies like an IV. Steady and regularly.
Our day should start at His Feet in His Word. We need that precious time alone with God to allow the Word to flow through us and soak into us. As we absorb His mighty Word, it becomes alive in our hearts. When it springs to life in us, it causes us to long for more. It becomes like an addiction.
As His Word becomes active in us it changes how we view ourselves. It changes how we view our wounds. That's when God's healing can begin to manifest itself in such a powerful way.
God's Word tells us that He give power to the weak. He increases the strength of those that have no might. He renews us. He cause us to not be weary.
His amazing love is just the right balm for the brokenhearted.
"Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all" (Psalm 34:19)
Many times it is during those dark and uncertain days that we tend to seek God the most. As we are searching with a sense of urgency, we will experience His presence more than ever before.
God uses these opportunities to draw us closer to Him. Although we are more than ready for the culmination of our hurting, God enjoys the process because we cling to Him and seek Him like never before.
Our hearts can move hurting to rejoicing.
We move from brokenness to wholeness.
We bridge the gap between bondage and deliverance.
Our deep darkness turns to the light of Grace.
When we are on our faces in desperation - we get a glimpse of a Holy God. A glimpse of His Splendor. His radiance reflects back to us and we have His peace. We experience healing of our hearts in a mighty way.
Thank you Lord, for bringing us where we need to be to experience what you have for us. Help us to be obedient. Help us to have discernment. Help us to keep our eyes and focus on You.

Your post is no coincidence. I came here to ask you to visit a dear friend of mine at: and read the post: Please Help. She desperately needs prayers, encouragement, and verses to make it through this time in her life.
Blessings, andrea
I love seems as though there are many of us in need of Healing...I love how God sends things our way to help us...
Love ya
Thank you for sharing with us Beth. The LORD does a great healing to our hearts when we surrender and trust Him with our care.
I received your message and I will pray for your church. Stand firm on the Word of GOD and in prayer Sis.
It is very true how so many hearts are in need of healing and some in complete restoration. Yet God uses those times of being utterly and completely broken where our only other hope besides looking down, is to look up. That is where He meets us and smiles because fixing a broken heart is just what He loves to do.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
I find that God's Word heals my heart and brings encouragement every time. You expressed it beautifully.
It's almost eerie just how much these words are speaking into my life right now. Everything you said about words hurting and wounding us and healing seeming so far off couldn't be more true than they are for my life at this very moment. It's a sad time in so many ways. I must confess that I have come to God with urgency to HELP but haven't sought Him with passion for a couple months simply out of love for Him and desiring relationship. Which in some way has probably contributed in some part to what is happening to me now. I'm ashamed that I am only mustering the courage/strength of TRULY a mustard seed to seek Him NOW. This post was sent to me as an encouragement from a friend and I am glad that God connected me to this. A timely word for my life. Thank you.
Help me Lord.
It can only be good when we immerse ourselves in His Word.
Thank you for this reminder.
Love COllette xxxx
this is beautiful - and yes, my heart does need that type of healing... continually! Thank you so much for posting this and being an encouragement!
Lat night I shared in Bible Study that walking the hard road can either be one of the darkest times of your life or one of the times when your faith becomes more than just words,but the very foundation of who you are.
I love how God can use anyone or anything to bring us closer to Him.
Blessings ~ Lisa
Urgent prayer request on arise 2 write for a precious little girl named Hannah and a link to her mom's blog.
Thank you for storming the heavens with me.
This is sooo beautifully written and brought me to tears. The anointing and love of the Lord is just pouring out of you like a whole new level of glory has fallen on you!!!!!
Bless you Beth.....and thankyou so much for blessing me everytime I come
love you dearly
This was a beautiful post! It is so true that we all have had our hearts hurt before. The Word of God is the only ointment that soothes a hurting soul forever. Thanks for sharing this and calling all of us into a daily deep fellowship with the Lord through His Word each day. It can be preventative medicine too. Amen
Oh Beth,
Yes just to be on my face in front of my Most Holy God, pouring out my heart to Him, knowing He cares, knowing that He is the only answer, the only Way, my heart is strengthened as He prepares me for the day. To read His Word and to know that with every verse He is setting this heart free to serve and love Him more. What an amazing God that we serve.
I absolutely love that song that is playing by Kari Jobe.
Have a Blessed and Beautiful weekend,
"Although we are more than ready for the culmination of our hurting, God enjoys the process because we cling to Him and seek Him like never before." Wouldn't it be lovely and honoring to God if we clung to Him and sought Him out even during the good times? I always have to remind myself to do this!
Love and Hugs, Leslie
"God uses these opportunities to draw us closer to Him. Although we are more than ready for the culmination of our hurting, God enjoys the process because we cling to Him and seek Him like never before.
Thank you Lord, for bringing us where we need to be to experience what you have for us."
I saw your comments on Lisa Shaw's blog, about the attacks against your church's servants, and experiencing the same in my own church, came over to say hello.
This post resonated with the same concepts I have been realising in a fresh way, as I make my own way through attacks on my family and church.
Reading Stronghold of God (Francis Frangipane)recently, I (again) noticed him say that the devil AND God both want us to break, to die, but for different reasons. Satan attacks, hoping to steal, kill and destroy our hopes and dreams, our families, and our faith in God. God *allows* us to be in a situation that breaks our old sinful nature, so that His resurrection nature can become apparent.
When we are in hard times, enduring trials that by all rights shouldn't be happening, we need to remember that it is not simply that God *allows* us to go through it, in some passive sort of 'oh, she will be ok' sort of role - no, He is as hands-on with us in that time as any other time, allowing these trials to come because *that is where we can learn best* - that is where we are going to learn to reflect His nature most effectively. He WANTS us there, not for the hurt we experience, but for the benefits the experience will produce. He wants us there so that we will die - we will crucify our old nature, and allow His power to save us (again) from our 'selves'.
Will we 'pick up our cross daily' and willingly crucify our 'selves'?
I want to start my day at the feet of Jesus and in his word.
Your post are always written beautifully.
I want more of what I see in you sister! Thanks!
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