As you can see I had a busy and fun-filled week with my sweet girls and grandbabies. I had such a blast just being with them and getting such great sugar from them all!
Ashlie (my baby) and her 2 sweet boys made it home from Colorado on Thursday night. As they headed out to our house, Ashlie was greeted by me and Jimbo, her 2 sisters and her nephew and 2 nieces. We spent the next few nights all together and it was such a fantastic time of fun and togetherness. This mama/nana slept so good just knowing that all of her girls and all 5 grandbabies were under the same roof. I was full of joy and contentment.
This week has been a full of sweet times with my sweet Savior. I spent some wonderful time just searching and seeking in the scriptures. It is always amazing to me what God will show you when you just ask Him. He led me to verses that I had seen many times and showed Himself mighty. He led me to verses that I had never seen before and showed Himself powerful. He led me to verses that spoke to my heart and compelled me to dig deeper.
I think that God must be looking down from His Great Throne saying, "What is wrong with you people? I have so much to show you if you would just ask me!"
These past 6 days have proven to be some of the most awesome days as far as spending time with my Lord. There have been several of us that have joined together in the sanctuary at church late at night and allowed the Lord to speak to us through scripture and prayer.
I have never felt His presence so tangibly before. I have never felt Him so powerfully before. I have never felt so close to Him and His sweet Spirit before.
"But my heart stands in awe of Your Word. I rejoice at Your Word as one who finds great treasure" (Psalm 119:161-162)
I have learned that if we are truly seeking a Word from Him, He is more than ready to give it to us. He is just waiting to speak to us and He has so much to show us. We just have to be earnestly searching and eagerly expecting!
His Word is so full of amazing truths. His Word is so full of life. His Word is the very breath that sustains us. His Word is mighty and powerful. His Word is joy and peace. His Word is Truth and Light. His Word IS!
Oh, friends, He has so much to show us and He truly has great treasure in store for us. We just need to be on our faces and crying out for Him to reveal to us the mighty truths that He has for us.
I praise you Lord for your awesome presence. I praise you Lord for your mighty Word. I praise you Lord for the treasure that you have hidden in the scriptures. I will continue to seek you and search for you, and as I continue to find you, I will love you more and more. I will stand in awe of You.

I'm all about falling headlong into some Scripture without time constraints and seeing where I land. I've had some great time in the Word this week ... one of the grand benefits of having kids back in school! Taking full advantage of it.
I guess all this confirmation from God tells you without a doubt that you made the right choice in your decision to get more involved with your family and your church.
May God continue to pour forth blessings upon you and your family and full enrich the lives He has right in front of Him.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
what a fantastic and large family you have been blessed with! So glad you are enjoying this season in your walk with God.
Love Collette xxxx
Your joy is overflowing! I love how you love the Word. You consistently cause me to want to dig deeper - I hate to be left out :-)
I praise God with you for having your girls & grandbabies all together. What a special time of memory making.
Blessings ~ Lisa
Oh yes, Lord, YES!
Something that hit me this morning and I want to share it with ya from Luke 9.
Verse 45....they were afraid to ask him about it.
Love ya,
It sounds like you had a wonderful time with your family. God has richly blessed you that is for sure.
It is wonderful when God reveals deep truths from His Word. It feels like a good meal, so satisfying.
Thanks for sharing your experiences with your family and God this week.
I know you've had a great time with all those beautiful children around! It's awesome you are seeing things anew.
I'm so glad you were able to spend time with your family. I love all of the pictures.
God has been showing me some amazing things in His Word lately too. I love when He shows me one thing over and over.
This entire year I'm memorizing Psalm 139 and it is amazing how many devotions I've read that talk about the same verse I'm learning. He's a blast!
What a blessing Beth that God has given you. He granted you a pursuit that you have had as far as having more time with your children and grandbabies. Also he has allowed you more time in His presence. He is so sweet to us and sometimes we can't see it.
I am so happy that I was able to peek in on your post this evening. Continue to seek Him and be a diligent-seeker of His word
What precious pictures/grandkids! And, I am wondering how you made the cool collage of them on your blog:) And, how great that you are so earnestly seeking God! May He continue to rain/reign down upon you and your congregation!
What precious pictures/grandkids! And, I am wondering how you made the cool collage of them on your blog:) And, how great that you are so earnestly seeking God! May He continue to rain/reign down upon you and your congregation!
Oh, I love nothing more than feeling God's presence!
How exciting to see something new in His Word!! You're right, He is waiting to show us!
I'd love to know what He is showing you. Maybe you'll post about it sometime.
(Your babies are precious!)
It sounds like you have really enjoyed this time and are using it wisely...
I hope that God Delights your heart each and everyday with something...
Did I mention just how much I Love You!!! You are such a joy and I love your care and concern...You are a Godly woman and it shows, even through the internet! God is so wonderful and I love it that He allowed us to cross paths here and maybe one day to cross paths in person! Oh I can not wait to e-mail you about our service Sunday Night!!!
Tessa :)
Time in the presence of GOD and HIS WORD IS JOY indeed. I miss my visits with you dear sister. I love you and I'm praying for you and your family.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Beth - this is an awesome post.
I have wanted to stop by and leave a comment for some time now. I wanted to thank you for reading my blog when you have time and for commenting. Your comments are often a great source of encouragement and inspiration for me. I consider you to be a Titus 2 woman in my life - I don't know many older wise Godly women in my life, so I value your comments. Thank you!
God is blessing you through these precious children, through your family, through your church family. May He direct Your paths.
~ linda
Aww family - kids and grandkids, the joys of it all is more than our hearts can express. I'm so glad for yours and for mine. Beautiful memories being created.
Dig deep in the WORD as those times with GOD are precious and life changing. Always joyful in His presence indeed.
Love you and your precious family.
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