I can hear the voice of my Father calling my name.
I can feel His Spirit drawing me to a place of quiet communion.
God's House is my refuge. My peace. My joy.
As I walk through the doors, I am enveloped in His Spirit.
Strong. Fragrant. Heavy.
As I approach the altar my heart beats faster as I am filled with:
Anticipation. Relief. Hunger.
As I fall flat on my face before Him, I am:
Crying out. Pressing in. Seeking deep.
In the intimate confines of my heart, I am:
Pursuing knowledge. Embracing surrender. Experiencing His Wonder.
I worship.
I praise.
I soak in.
I am filled.
As I prostrate myself before Him, I give Him my all. My heart lies open before Him. The tears fill my eyes and flow freely as I am overcome with love for Him. His mercy overwhelms me and I am in awe of His grace.
My prayers become utterances as I let the Spirit have freedom. My barren souls thirsts and hungers.
I seek nourishment from His Word.
I feel Him exhaling His Spirit to cover me.
His presence abounds and I can't move.
As He manifests Himself in the depths of my being, I don't want to leave His presence. I desire to stay right where I am. On my face at His Feet.
My soul worships and He refreshes me like a spring rain. He saturates me with the fullness of Him.
I arise with new awareness of my Jesus. Delivered. Free. I surely received a glimpse of His splendor.
As I leave the sanctuary I take His presence with me. I am surrounded in His glory. I am astounded by His love. I am in relentless pursuit of a deeper knowledge of my Christ. My King. My Redeemer.
His Spirit will draw.
His voice will call.
His Sanctuary will beckon.
Praise you Lord for your amazing grace. Praise you for the wonder of who you are. You complete me. You are my God and my King.
"Your way, O God, is in the sanctuary;
Who is so great a God as our God?
You are the God who does wonders;
You have declared Your strength
among the peoples"
(Psalm 77:13,14)

What a simple way to define our relationship with Jesus and just the lasting effects He has on us.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
P.S. Please visit my blog for an urgent prayer request.
So beautifully said!
This is so beautiful, Beth! What a gift with words God has given you.
I love the moments when His breath is warm upon my spirit - so close, so intimate. I am naked and barren without it.
Seeking deep like you my friend!
This was beautiful.
God always knows what we need and He simply doesn't dissapoint.
Beautiful written, and leaves me wanting MORE of HIM and Less of Me
You brought me right into His presence with you - seeking refuge in His Sanctuary. What peace can be found in the sancruary. Thank You for penning this so beautifully.
Blessings ~ Lisa
My heart is so drawn in. God has been pulling and drawing me unto Himself in such a deep way. This just made me want to sit in His presence.
I love you friend,
I love this...there is just something Holy about HIS house. Regardless of what brings you there, in this home we find just what we need. As part of my offerings to one church I attended in the past-myself and my girlfriend would clean every-other-week on Saturday mornings...even though we were there to clean and to work-HIS comfort was there and when we done this work with not just our hands but our heart-you could see it shine on Sunday mornings!
I remember one day as I was vacuuming-I felt the need to pray for each and everyone that attended there as I vacuumed up their spot...what a joy that was!
I miss having a key to the church!
Love ya
Tessa :)
That was beautiful Beth. It touched me deep within my spirit.
I am speechless Beth. What an awesome post. I want to feel what you feel.
Forgive me for not being able to get around to your [or anyone's] blog for the last few weeks.
But as I was just reading several of your last few - THIS ONE really touched my heart. I have a Sanctuary on my front porch, one in my living room, and one in the Center Circle of SHEPHERD'S WALK here at Sweetbriar. God's Presence is all over those places...... the very places He calls me to when He wants to make His glory shown to me. [that's 'cause I'm always begging for Him to "show me Your glory, Lord".] All that to draw me to HIMSELF every time!
This part of what you wrote spoke so directly to me:
"As I fall flat on my face before Him, I am:
Crying out. Pressing in. Seeking deep.
In the intimate confines of my heart, I am:
Pursuing knowledge. Embracing surrender. Experiencing His Wonder.
I worship.
I praise.
I soak in."
Thanks for painting such a beautiful word picture of Him for us!
Choosing JOY, Stephanie
[JESUS - For His Name's Sake]
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