Your healing shall spring forth speedily,
And your righteousness shall go before you;
The glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard.
Then you shall call, and the LORD will answer;
You shall cry, and He will say,
'Here I am'" (Isaiah 58:8-9)
This verse has been my salvation lately. When I read this it speaks volumes to me. I am clinging to the promise of a healing for our church. I am clinging to the promise that the glory of the LORD will be our rear guard. I am clinging to the promise that when we call, He will answer. I long to hear Him say, "Here I am".
I have debated about this post. I have hesitated about sharing with all of you about what is going on in our church. But as I thought about it, the Lord impressed upon me that I should share for several reasons. I share this so you can all bind together and pray for us. I share so I can relate what the Lord is doing in my life and the life of our church. I share so that others who may be experiencing the same thing, can be encouraged and perhaps enlightened.
My husband and I have had the privilege to serve at our current church - Goodwill Baptist Church - for almost 3 years. It is a wonderful, loving, spirit-filled and awesome church. We have grown in number and in spirit over these 3 years and are on the verge of God doing great things in our church.
About 7 months ago, the attacks started. A deacons wife was diagnosed with breast cancer and is currently undergoing treatment. She is not doing well physically at this time as the chemo is taking it's toll on her.
A few months down the road, J.D. - another deacon - is diagnosed with brain cancer. The doctors will not give him any treatment due to the location of the mass. He has now had 3 or 4 small heart attacks and is taking several nitro pills a day. The doctors will also not do a heart cath or any other procedure due to him being so weak.
Over the next month or so, 2 deacon families were involved in an attack against the family unit. Suffice it to say, we have 2 hurting families and a hurting church, and are beginning the healing process in that venue.
About 2 weeks ago, another deacons wife suffered a stroke. She was transported to Shreveport for surgery to stop the bleeding in her brain and since the surgery has remained sedated and intubated. She is now unresponsive and has a staph infection as well as pneumonia.
On Wednesday, another one of our deacons was diagnosed with a cancerous growth in his throat/neck area. He has already lost the feeling in his tongue and has been told that surgery is not an option. As he prepares to go to Little Rock for some experimental treatment, he is playing the waiting game.
So you see, that is 6 deacon families that are under blatant, heavy, spiritual attack that comes straight from the devil. We have no doubt that satan is waging war heavily against us at this point. But I can tell you in no uncertain terms, that satan has met his match in Goodwill Baptist Church. Our church will NOT buckle under to a pitiful foe like the devil. He will NOT win any victories. He will NOT defeat us. He will NOT slither in and conquer and divide our congregation.
Our church body is united. Our church body is binding together in prayer. Our church body is forgiving. Our church body is faithful. Our church body is ready for God to be glorified!
Several of us have been meeting late at night to pray in the sanctuary. There is nothing quite like being in God's house in the dark of the night. It is peaceful and intimate.
We are expecting mighty things from God. We are anticipating that God is about to do something so awesome and so powerful through our church body. We know that God has something special for us.
We may be in the valley at this particular moment, but the mountaintop experience is just right around the corner! We are standing firmly on His Word. We are searching the scriptures and hiding the truths in our hearts.
We are allowing God to direct our paths at this time. We are laying everything at His Feet. We are desiring to hear His voice. We are pouring our hearts out to Him. We are crying out to our Lord. We are desiring to seek His Face. To see His Glory. To be found faithful.
"Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the LORD!" (Psalm 27:14)
So for now, we wait. We stand firm. We dig deep. We search diligently. We pray. We seek. We prepare for battle.
"When You said, 'Seek My face,' My heart said to You, "Your face, LORD, I will seek." (Psalm 27:8)
Oh, precious Father, I seek You with all my heart. I desire to grow stronger in my walk. I long to know you deeper. I long to hear you clearer. I long to love you more.
You are my rock. My fortress. My deliverer. My Redeemer. My God. Thank you for what you are preparing to do in our church. Thank you for holding us in the palm of your hand. Thank you for your healing hand upon our church. You are mighty and powerful. You are the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. You are God.