Salvation - "deliverance from the power of sin; redemption
So many times, people mistakenly believe that salvation is deliverance from sin itself. But the deliverance is from the POWER that sin holds over us.
We are most assuredly still faced with sin on a daily basis. The world is full of sinful things, sinful ideas, sinful people. But those of us who have come to a saving knowledge of Jesus and acknowledge His birth, death on the cross, burial and resurrection don't have to succumb to the death of sin, because we have power over it through CHRIST.
Sin doesn't have dominion over us. Praise God that the Holy Spirit convicts us and we can repent and turn away and seek forgiveness from Him. When we seek forgiveness with our whole heart - He gloriously forgives!
I don't know about you, but I need this merciful forgiveness every day!
I need deliverance.
I need redemption.
I need forgiveness.
I need mercy.
I need compassion.
"For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace" (Romans 6:14)
Oh, wonderful Grace. That He would find favor in me.
Not because I deserve it.
Not because I earned it.
Not because I am worthy.
Because He is.
Because He was.
Because He is to come.