Do you see the sweet girl in the top photo? That is Mikaela. She is 6 1/2 years old. Yesterday she made the life changing decision to ask Jesus to come into her heart and be her Savior. She is now a child of the King. Can I get an Amen!
When my daughter called me yesterday and told me about Mikaela coming to her and telling her that she had just prayed and asked Jesus to come into her heart, I could have just sobbed right here at work! Megan told me that she and Rod asked Mikaela some questions and that by her answers, they know that she understands the decision that she made.
I am so proud of Mikaela for making the most important and the best decision that she will ever make in her life. I am so thankful to God that He helped me to raise my girls to love Him and that they not only made the decision to trust Jesus as their Savior, but that they are raising their children to do the same.
When I left work yesterday, I drove straight out to my daughter's house. I just had to love on Mikaela (and Eli and Mercie of course!) and let her know just how proud I was of her and how proud Jesus was of her decision.
God is so good. He has blessed me more than I could ever deserve. In the words of Matt Redman, "My greatest gift to Him would be the least that He is due"
Thank you Father, for your precious Son, Jesus. Thank you Jesus, for shedding your innocent blood at Calvary, so that we could accept your free gift of salvation, have forgiveness of sins, and so that we can live with you in Heaven forever. Thank you for Mikaela and her love for you. You are mighty and powerful. You are full of grace and mercy. You are Truth and You are Life to me.

You can get an Amen from this section! And the angels are singing!
Amen, Hallelujah, and Praise the Lord! My heart is overflowing with joy at the news of a new member to the family of God! Congratulations!
Blessings ~ Lisa
What wonderful news! Hallelujah! Please tell my little sister-in-Christ, Mikaela, that I said, "Welcome to the family!"
That is so wonderful!!!! Hallelujah!
Big Amen from me. Welcome to the family Makaila!! There really is no greater joy is there? My children are not grown yet, but I see how they now walk with the Lord the best they know how, and it blesses my heart in so many ways. Thank you for sharing that!
Amen and AMEN! Rejoicing with you!
I rejoice with you over Mikaela's salvation!
I know you are so filled with joy.
One of the (many) things I loved about Falls Creek youth camp when I was there recently was when those who were going down to be saved heard much applause from the congregation. When the invitation was extended a little longer and another and another would go down front, the applause would get louder. It was so sweet.
Being part of the family of God is awesome.
I too welcome Makaela.
OH, now that is absolutely GOOD NEWS!
Love ya!
Now that is news to brag about!
Rejoicing with you! Just found your site and so glad I stopped by. Your words splashed me in God's goodness. As I raise our little ones, I know that God will produce a bountiful harvest.
Blessings from Costa Rica,
Sarah Dawn
As we talked yesterday after you told me about this - I just can't help but REJOICE with you over this little precious life IN CHRIST! There is NOTHING more precious than your own grandchild receiving the gift of our Lord and Savior for herself.
Teach her Scriptures now - she is at such a precious age and can retain way more than any adult in memorization abilities. May our God help her to learn His Word and use it for His kingdom purposes when she becomes the Mighty Warrior of her generation!
Blessings to all of you as we rejoice with the angels in heaven over this new soul tucked into His kingdom.
Choosing GREAT JOY,
[JESUS - the One I Worship]
That made ME tear up! Amen!
Overflowing with Joy! THANKS for sharing!
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