The Manifest Presence of God is when our ‘unseen God’ moves into the ‘seen realm’ of our life.
When we:
See His footprints
Feel His touch
Experience His Glory
In Luke 18:35-43, we see the story of Bartimaeus. Now, Bartimaeus was a blind beggar of Jericho. And as he sat on the side of the road that day, he heard a multitude passing by and he asked those around him what it meant.
They replied, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by” In other words, the Manifest Presence of God is passing by! Wouldn’t that be awesome to hear those words today?
Bartimaeus immediately cried out, “Jesus have mercy on me!”
Do you notice here that Bartimaeus didn’t wait for a committee meeting to decide what to do. He didn’t even ask someone else to go get Jesus for him. He didn’t question this statement at all. He just immediately recognized his need and recognized that his solution was passing by. He felt the presence of God in a mighty way and he acted upon it the way that we should act. He cried out to the one who could help him.
He didn’t need a visual confirmation and he didn’t need a vocal confirmation. All he needed was the confirmation that he received from the Holy Spirit.
The scripture tells us that Jesus stood still and requested that he be brought near to Him. He asked Bartimaeus, “What do you want Me to do for you?”. Bartimaeus could have asked for many things, but he requested the one thing that he desired most and that was his sight.
Jesus said, “Receive your sight; your faith has made you well.”
Immediately he received his sight and followed Him and glorified God.
Oh friends, that is what we need to do today! We have got to recognize the Manifest Presence of our Savior. We have got to recognize our need for our sight. We have to ask for the healing, receive that healing, open our eyes and FOLLOW HIM! Then we have to give God the glory that is due Him.
His Manifest Presence is available to us and it is attainable to us. We just have learn to always be seeking, always be looking, always be aware of when Jesus is passing by. We don’t want to miss Him.
Oh, Lord, have mercy on me. I know that at times I am blinded to the truth and I pray that you will show yourself to me in a mighty way. May I open my eyes, seek Your Presence, cry out to You, receive what you have for me, and then may I follow You and give You all the glory.

Powerful words! Lord I don't want to miss you! It's my heart cry today! Open my eyes that I might see.
Blessings to you Beth! This post has stirred my Spirit.
Such a timely reminder to listen to the Holy Spirit instead of what others may think is a better way.
Beautiful post, Beth.
"We have got to recognize our need for our sight." LOVE THIS!!! Great devotion!!!!
Dearest Beth,
This post is absolutely beautiful and oh so powerful.
"Oh, Lord, have mercy on me. I know that at times I am blinded to the truth and I pray that you will show yourself to me in a mighty way. May I open my eyes, seek Your Presence, cry out to You, receive what you have for me, and then may I follow You and give You all the glory." I pray your prayer that I've quoted you here today along with you for you, for me and for the entire world in Jesus precious name. Amen!
I wanted to stop by to personally thank you for alerting Edie to my need for a prayer button for my husband on my site. Thank you so much Beth. You are so rich in teaching, encouraging, uplifting. Your love for the Lord touches me to the core of my being...for you feel deep inside as I do for Him and you live your life through Him and Him through you and you SHINE. You SHINE for Him and you glorify Him in all ways. What a beautiful sister-in-Christ you are! Thank you again and I wanted to say, "I love you dear sister."
Peace, Hugs, Blessings & Prayers,
In my study this morning I read the story of the ten lepers that Jesus healed and only one, a Samaritan, came back to thank Him and praise Him, and Christ asked where the other nine were. Oh how I want to be the one that always thanks and praises Him and not in the nine that went on with life. I want Christ to be such the center of my life, that all else revolves around Him. I am such a work in progress.
Thank you for this post, it went right along with my study today, and just what I needed.
Bless you sister,
Wonderful scripture, the song I can only imagine comes to mind when reading this.
Oh Amen Beth. How often I have looked for a sign. He is always here and always guiding.
One of my favorite stories of God's "passing by." I wonder how many of these moments we miss because we are content to linger on the sidelines of our faith?! Guilty as charged.
Thanks for this great reminder to cry out for him today.
I'm so happy to have found a passionate prayer warrior in Christ, who writes Gods Word! I just joined the blogger world and look forward to encouraging and being encouraged. I wrote on Rahab this morning with many joyful tears.... Blessing to you!
Beth this post reminded me of the Story of Moses when he wanted to see God's face. How God placed him in a cleft of a rock took His hand and covered him,then His Glory passed over him,when God raised His hand Moses only seen His back. Exodus 33:19-23. To be in His presence and know it only by a feeling how awesome is that
No need to wait we only need to reach out to Him.
Beautiful sharing.
Love you.
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