Empty rooms. Quiet house. Empty nest?
Megan and her 3 sweet ones have been in Mississippi this week with Rod. Ashlie and the boys are in Colorado with Cody for the next 6 weeks. Melissa is in Bolivia, South America on her mission trip having a fabulous time and won't be home for 2 more weeks. Yes... my house is quiet. Very quiet. Too quiet.
I usually have one or more of the girls and some or all of the grandbabies there off and on during the course of the week. It's been strangely quiet this week. No sticky fingerprints on my glasstop table. No sippy cups being found under couches or beds. No "thomas the train' toothbrushes playing their song. No tiny little clothes in the laundry room. No sweet little voices calling out for Nana.
My mom warned me about these days. After the birth of my first daughter in 1985, I can remember my mom saying, "Cherish these times, Beth. They grown up way too fast." I heard her, but not sure that I listened. I can still recall looking forward to the next milestone in her life. I couldn't wait until she slept all night. Then I couldn't wait until she could reach for toys. Hold her head up. Sit alone. Crawl. Talk. Walk. And the list goes on. I didn't realize at the time that I was in essence wishing her babyhood away! It was so exciting to see her grow and go from stage to stage. It didn't really dawn on me that as each stage passed, it was gone forever.
Fast forward to November 23, 2002. That is the day that I entered into the fabulous world of 'nanahood'. Oh, what a joyful day in my life! My precious firstborn had become a mother and I began to see babyhood in a whole new light. I knew firsthand how fast time really flies. I knew firsthand that each day of a baby's life is truly a miracle. I knew firsthand that these times needed to be cherished. I knew firsthand that each stage needed to be enjoyed and treasured to the fullest. I knew how quickly motherhood had evolved into nanahood.
My rooms are still empty for now. But my heart is so full. Full of love for my girls. Full of love for my grandbabies. Full of love for my husband. Full of love for my sweet Savior. Full of wonderful, precious memories of my sweet girls. Wonderful memories of Jimbo and I spending time with our girls so that they could have those memories. Full of memories that we are now making with our grandbabies.
Oh, yes.... Empty nest. But only empty of the tangible. The intangible lives on in my heart forever.
In His Grip,

Thanks for the reminder to cherish these moments. This post brought tears of joy to my heart. Even though at time life is hard, my God is so good - always faithful.
Blessings to you dear friend! It won't be long until all of the chicks are back in the nest for you to love on in person.
How precious indeed.
I know too well what a quiet empty house sounds like and I don't like it. I want my beloved to return to fill our house. Holding out hope and believing it shall come one day...just as your babies will for sure be returning in just two short weeks.
I feel the same way when my grandchildren come to visit and then when they go home it is so quiet.
I have a Blog award for you,so please stop by my site and pick it up.
Even though my boys are still at home, I always think about this. About what it will be like once they're on their own. I get sad and excited at the same time. I don't want them to leave me, but I do look forward to being just a "couple" again and to having grandchildren!
Part of the reason I teach preschool is to get my "fix" of 3 to 5 year olds. I miss having little kids in the house. Especially since I'm now experiencing the pre-teen and teenage years... oh joy! (Is it possible to cherish the teenage years?!)
You are such a great Mother and Nana!! And friend.
Love to you,
My house is so quiet late at night when Alan is off preaching and I am home alone. How, I wish at those times so much. But there is no going back. I enjoyed every stage of my two babies(now 27 and 24) and would not want them small at all but I do miss the chatter, the house full of noise, toys, music, clothes to wash and house to clean.Well I still have that but it is not the same. However, I do enjoy my adult children so much, and I do enjoy being able to go whenever, where ever and not having to pack the car full. And I do enjoy living with just my husband.(All of this is hard to understand unless you have adult children)
But being a Gram since Fe 2008 has been more than wonderful. I Love it and I am as bad as all the grandparents before me,
The older my children and I get the more I understand Motherhood only deepens and changes in role. My prayers for my children and grandchildren become more frequent and my love for them richer, even though they are not as often in my company. I guess with the difficult change in empty nesting,comes opportunity for great joy and reward!
All I can say is enjoy the peace and quiet. It sounds like you are an awesome NaNa and they will all be back. But thanks for the reminder to enjoy my girls every day.
What a sweet tribute to your girls. It's so great that online we can all learn from one another and the seasons of life we are in. Thanks for sharing!!
Beautiful...O sweet sister I just prayed for your family. I love you.
Beth that's beautiful, and I believe one reason God gives us Grandchildren. Because we don't take the time in motherhood to truly see it, but ah grandmotherhood! Not that I'm there yet!
I'll bet you're a wonderfully encouraging mother to your girls, and a wonderful Nana! :)
Thank you for the reminder to *cherish* these moments. It's exactly what the Lord has been whispering to my heart this past week!
As a mother of young ones I hear that all the time as well, but really enjoyed reading your nana's perspective on it. I also catch myself thinking so far ahead that I forget to live in the moment.
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