Happy 4th Birthday sweet Eli!
I can't believe that you are already 4 years old. It seems like only yesterday that you came bouncing into this world - a plump little fella weighing 8 pounds and 1 ounce. You introduced this Nana into the world of little boys. What an experience it has been as you give real meaning to the term "all-boy". You have taught me about cars, trucks, and trains.
You have the sweetest little smile, the most precious little laugh and the prettiest head of dark curls. Only yesterday you informed me, "Nana, my hair isn't pretty! It's boy hair and it's handsome". Indeed, you are a handsome little fella.
I love the way you wrap your precious arms around my neck when you hug me. I love the way you tell me that you love me. I love to watch you play cars and trucks. I love to watch you play in the pool. I love to watch you play dress up with Mikaela, especially in your new knight costume.
It makes me smile to see the way you love your big sister. You have always wanted to be just like her. I see how you have begun to be protective of your little sisterMercie, and how she is starting to look up to you.
I enjoy the little rituals that we have when you spend the night with me and Papa - like always having cinnamon rolls for breakfast the next morning. I love our story time together and I love the way as I begin to tell our story, that you always help me with the details. (but you never want to tell the story yourself!)
I love it when I kiss you good night and say "see you in your dreams" and you say it back to me. I loved it the other night when I heard you say that same thing to Mikaela.
You are a wonderful little boy, Eli, and God has special plans for you. You have a giving heart. You have a sweet spirit. You bring joy to everyone. I pray that one day He will use you mightily for His kingdom.
You fill me with joy. You brighten my life. You were heaven sent. I am proud to be your Nana.
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above" (James 1:17)
Happy birthday Eli! Love you to the stars and never back...

What a handsome grandson you have there Beth! I can only imagine how your heart must soar when you look at him. He looks like such a special gift from God!
Truly you are blessed among women!
He is such a handsome sweetie!! Oh and that hair ~~ what a doll!!!
I love the verse in James you quoted. It was my memory verse a few weeks ago.
Happy Birthday to your wonderful Eli, and happy day to you,
Happy Birthdayyyy to YOUUUU
Happy Birthdayyyyyyy tooo YOUUU
Happy Birthdayyy Sweet Eli
Happpppppyyyy Birthdayyyy toooo YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
& Mannnyyy Moreeee!!
Have fun in all you today :)
He is so cute. Wait (I have a boy myself and know how it goes)....handsome!
Love his birthday cake too! The message you wrote to him is so sweet. Love it.
Cute little guy. I hope he had an awesome birthday.
So sweet...He is too cute! I know you are proud...
Happy Birthday Eli and many-many more...
Happy Birthday Eli! Beth I know you are a wonderful Nana!
Happy Birthday, ELI!!
I hope he had the best birthday ever!
Aww what a cutie! I pray he had a wonderful Birthday.
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