We sang a song at church yesterday that keeps running through my head. I just keep singing it and singing it over and over. I feel like I need to share it here today because the Lord isn't giving me anything else - just the words to this song.
I looked up the word amazing and here is the definition:
"So extraordinary or wonderful as to be barely believable or to cause extreme surpise"
When I thought about that word and what it really means, I truly began to focus on just how amazing God's grace truly is.
Amazing grace, shall always be my song of praise,
For it was grace, that bought my liberty;
I do not know just why He came to love me so,
He looked beyond my fault and saw my need.
I shall forever lift mine eyes to Calvary.
To view the cross - where Jesus died for me;
How marvelous the grace that caught my falling soul!
He looked beyond my fault and saw my need.
As I sit here typing this my eyes are just filled with tears. It just completely blows me away that this is what Christ did for me. I know that I can never be worthy on my own - only through Him can I become worthy. He looks beyond my faults and the Lord knows I have many. I am just so thankful today that He sees more than just the messes I make. That He sees the potential I have and the longing I have in my heart to praise, worship, serve and love Him.
I hope that this ministers to someones soul today. My whole purpose of this outlet is to minister. I only want to write what God is leading me to write. I want to truly be an instrument for His Glory.
Humble and thankful,
Why Listen to Jesus?
2 months ago
Beautiful song. Beautiful post. I love when God uses a song to speak to our souls. God sees so much more than your potential, He sees the woman you will become - and it makes Him smile! Blessings - Lisa
You are a beautiful instrument, at that!
That was wonderful! I am so grateful for His amazing grace!
I loved reading and watching the movie "Amazing Grace" about William Wilberforce and John Newton.
Miriam, one needs His amazing grace
I love this song so. I sang it as a teen and have played it on the piano for many years. It is just beautiful. I sang the second part as I read it today. Thank you for the reminder that He looks beyond my faults and sees my need.
You are so sweet and what an instrument for His glory indeed,
Oh how incredibly amazing this grace is! Great song!
And that you are, dear Beth! Only God could take our lives out of the ashes of our past and bring forth life and fruit - filled with love and JOY! His GRACE truly IS AMAZING! Reminds me of another song title and phrase:
AMAZING LOVE, How can it be?
Looking Upward and Choosing JOY,
As I read this... my eyes are filled w/ tears too. What a beautiful post... by a beautiful lady! A beautiful child of God! You my friend are an instrument for His Glory!
I could'nt add or take anything away from what you've shared. It brings tears to my eyes reading exactly what i would have said myself. Our God is so AWESOME !!!
I Love you Risa
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