I read a comment by Kay Arthur yesterday in my bible study. She asked, "Have you ever finished your prayer time feeling like it was useless?" She then assured the readers that she had felt just that way which made me feel just a little bit better. Because:
Yes! That is exactly how I have felt these last few days and I was getting a little worried about myself... I love how the Lord saved this lesson for me for just this day! He knew I was going to need it.
I have learned that prayer is the area in a Christians life that takes the most discipline. It is the most difficult exercise in our walk. It is like the part of our journey that is "uphill". (both ways :) )
When the mundane details of life get a little out of hand or things get tough - the first thing that usually suffers is our prayer life. The thing that is probably the most important to keep going is the thing that we often neglect. Prayer is the main resource we have to communicate with God. Prayer is the area that we really need to focus on during these times. Yet, we let it suffer. Why do we do that?
Prayer is what connects heaven and earth. It is our lifeline to the Throne of Grace. Sometimes when there is nothing else... there is prayer. Through prayer we:
1. show our allegiance to Christ
2. worship Him
3. thank Him
4. commit to His will
5. bare our emotions in repentance
6. cry out
Prayer is how we communicate with Christ. It is what enables us to make it through our day. It is that one-on-one time in our realtionship with God. So why would we ever let that part of our life go unattended? I can't think of any good reason why I let that happen.
Perhaps laziness. Perhaps procrastination. Perhaps irresponsibility. Not prioritizing correctly. Lack of discipline. Whatever the reason, I realize that's what has taken place these last few days in my life and thats why I have felt the way I have.
Empty. Like the power has been shut off to me. Like I have run out of gas. I don't ever want to feel like this again. Praise God, I don't have to! I am so thankful that God allowed me to feel this way for just a few days so I could really see what I was missing and resolve to never go there again.
I need more prayer time. More fervent, effective prayer time. On my face prayer time.
Thank you Lord for being patient. Thank you for wanting good things for me. Thank you for allowing me to recommit myself to spend more time in prayer with you so I can hear you speak to my heart.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
James 5:16
"'... The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."
Thankfully, prayerfully, joyfully His!
Why Listen to Jesus?
5 weeks ago
Thank You Beth! Whatever we're learning, whatever God is showing each us is meant to be shared. In doing so, the seed is scattered and bears fruit in the lives of others. I needed this reminder today. Time for me to spend some time at the feet of the Savior!
Blessings - Lisa
I'm so thankful that things are a little brighter for you this very day.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on my blog post today. I thought it'd be interesting to see others' answers. I'm the facilitator for Esther and I think this will be neat to share with the ladies.
I find that I am praying more than ever to God. We have an empty nest and I'm home alone often and I just go around all the time talking out loud to God about so many things. Praising Him, complaining :( lifting up so many needs that so many have & telling Him what the delight of my heart is. I do feel like I need to get on my face more. I certainly know what you mean in this post.
Thanks for sharing from your heart.
Have a great week!
Boy have I ever been here. I have so struggled with my prayer life, but God is so gracious to let me struggle for a season, but then show me the glorious way out of the pit and into Him. I love that about Him. He ALWAYS has the answer!!!!! I love these verses. James 5:16 was my first memory verse of '09. It is special to me.
Thank you for always sharing your heart and your struggles. It is so helpful to us fellow sojourners.
Blessings to you dear one,
I'm there right now! I've been saying for a few weeks that I just feel "empty".
I so related to what you've said... it's funny, for the past few days God has been leading me to all kinds of writings that speak to this issue and the importance of prayer. Your post was yet another.
Be encouraged that we all go through this. Thanks for the honesty and encouragement in this post.
God Bless you,
Isn't God amazing? You joined my blog site and I was reading about you and saw that you love the Beth Moore Bible studies too. I have done almost all of them and I am starting Esther Tuesday night. I can't wait!!! I'm so excited. I also just joined the blog scene, and am so thrilled to be meeting so many wonderful new friends in Christ in the "blog" world. You mentioned Monroe and I'm thinking you might be from NC. I am too. I saw the daily Bible verse site on your blog and added that to my site. Thanks!
Take care. Love & blessings
I wrote you a comment Beth and I think I exited before it was sent. Just in case, I will say this part again. I have a 'note' for you that the Great Physician prescribes for 'e' itis. Email me if you want a package from B.
I'm so glad you visited my blog, because now I've found yours.
Prayer is such a mighty weapon in our arsenal! Satan loves it when we don't realize what we have in Christ.
Thank you for the reminder Beth!
Many blessings,
another Beth :o)
I love this post! It is so God inspired! Thank you! I am a prayer warrior, but I needed this post as my encouragement!
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