Happy 2nd Birthday to my little Bryton! It is so hard to believe that you are already 2 years old. What a blessing you have been in your Nana’s life.
You are so full of life and energy. You run full speed ahead most of your day! Not only are you very energetic, but you are so loving. You love to give hugs and kisses and little “I love you’s”. My heart melts when I hear you say “Nana”. I love it when you and mommy spend the night and in the morning we drink coffee together. I love to read you stories. You won’t let me turn the page until you have examined every inch of the illustrations. I love you, Bryton.
You have been blessed with such loving parents. Your mommy will hardly let you out of her sight! Your daddy watches you play with such joy and wonder in his eyes. In a few short weeks, you are going to be such a great big brother!
When you were born 2 years ago, (3 weeks early) you gave all of us quite a scare. Within minutes after you emerged, the nurse had a mask on your little blue face and was calling the NICU for a bed and a canister of oxygen. Her only words were spoken calmly. “He’s having a little trouble breathing”. I have never felt more fear in all my life. I immediately went out into the hallway to tell your Papa and all those waiting, “Pray”. I was then filled with a sense of peace and I knew that you were in the hands of the one who formed you and that He would take care of you.
You spent 7 days in the NICU with various issues and problems, but now you are a healthy little boy and doing great!
You are such a blessing to me, Bryton. My sweet little fella. My little ‘b’. Have a happy birthday little one.
Oh - the joys of being a grandmother. Thank you, Jesus for allowing me that joy.

So precious! Happy birthday to the little blessing!
H-A-P-P-Y B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y! I sense your tremendous love for this special little guy. He is blessed to have you for a grandmother!
Have a great Monday!
Happy birthday Bryton!
Nana....what a blessing you are to your grandchildren as well as to us....your Sisters in Christ.
Love ya!
Happy birthday Bryton! You are a precious gift from God. :o)
awwwwwwwwwww Happy Birthdayyyyyy!
What a blessing you have.
Have a terrific and joy filled day
Bryton is a gift to you and to the world. With a praying Nana like you and a praying family and the miraculous way his little body fought and came through - GOD can and will use HIM for HIS glory!
Love in HIM,
What a precious post. And what a precious birthday boy!! :)
Happy Birthday, Bryton!
Happy Birthday to that sweeet baby boy! GOD HAD A PLAN AND IT WILL COME TO PASS IN HIS LIFE!!!
Bless you.
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