I LOVE Thankful Thursday! Thank you Sonya for helping us to stop and realize our blessings.
1. I am thankful for His powerful hand upon me. I left work sick yesterday with a bad migraine. I could barely even talk my head hurt so bad and I felt really sick. I lay down and prayed and when I got up later I was able to fulfill my obligation to cook for the youth last night and even was able to keep the nursery during prayer meeting! Praise Jesus - He is so faithful.
2. I am thankful for a godly husband and for the impact that he has on this community. Sometimes when that phone rings AGAIN and it is someone else that needs him (or that it’s his 4th funeral in 8 days….) I start to get irritated, but then I remember. “Hey - he works for God and this is God’s work!” I am just so thankful that people know that they can depend upon him. I am thankful for a godly husband.
3. I am thankful that I can worship the Lord when I play the flute. As I was playing one day, I realized that if the Lord had not healed me from asthma (very bad asthma ) when I was 10, I would NOT be able to play a wind instrument like the flute. Thank you Lord, that even then, you knew what I would one day do for your glory!
4. I am thankful for the Word of God. I am thankful that I can always find a word that speaks to me anytime I open up the scriptures and read.
5. I am thankful for prayer. I am so thankful that God gave us this venue to be able to commune with Him. To take our hearts to him. To pour out our innermost thoughts. To know Him.
I am so blessed. I am so thankful.
Joyfully His,
I love Thankful Thursday and am praising God with you!
Blessings - Lisa
Just a delight to BRAG on God...may He be delighted.
I am thankful for the prayers of all who are praying for my son and his family in this their trying time.
Thank God for praying people!! He is my refuge and my strength.
Not much sleep last night, but my son said he managed to sleep a few hours in the car in the parking lot of the hosptal. Will post more details to my blog as I have them.
What wonderful blessings...I, too, have too many to count - but am unbelievably thankful nonetheless!
I am thankful for you, Beth - being such a godly Pastor's wife -and an example of true humility and grace.
I am thankful that indeed our God is AT WORK all around us drawing the lost to Himself and calling those who have slipped away - back to His side!
I too am thankful for God's Word - that gives us everything we need to live a life worthy of His calling.
Blessings... while
Looking UPward and Choosing JOY,
I have just delighted in your thankful heart here today! What a precious blog you have! So nice to meet you!
Blessings to you!!
I enjoyed your Thankful Thursday list. You have many blessings! I liked your mentioning your healing of asthma and being able to play the flute.
Beautiful blog. Andrea
Thanksgiving overflows when we look at what God does in our lives every day. Glad you are feeling better. Oh, I love the Taco Soup below also. B
Thank you so much for your prayers and concern. Just wanted to let you know they postponed his surgery till Tuesday. He has a slight infection from having fluids on his lungs. Hopefully that will heal for Tuesday. Thanks again, Debbie
Praising God with you about all we can be thankful of..Your #2 is so true now God is using my dh's also in our shop and the spiritual need is so great.This last year his telephone start ringing after closing time for prayer and advice...amazing But as his wife i must remember to stay thankful for Godswork that he does....
Will come another time again to your blog.
Blessed weekend
Great thankful post.
Your words echo my heart especially about my husband and his call to be a minister. Thank you for sharing. Continue in your amazing calling with godly wisdom and strength.
Your Sister in Christ,
Awesome post...we do, indeed, have so much to be thankful for!
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