He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock.
That shadows the dry thirsty land.
He hideth my life in the depths of His love.
And covers me there with His Hand.
Exodus 33:17-18
"So the LORD said to Moses, "I will also do this thing that you have spoken; for you have found grace in My sight, and I know you by name."
And he said, "Please, show me Your glory."
Wow.. I read that last line of verse 17 and just had a moment! God told Moses, "I know you by name".I love that! I know without a shadow of a doubt that this applies to me and you also. God KNOWS us. How unbelievably awesome is that? It's one of those things that we all know, we all realize it, but all of the sudden it just impacts us. Does anyone understand what I am trying to say?
But the next verse is what got to me. Moses just very calmly said to God, "Please, show me Your glory". It was just kind of like Moses had no reservation about his request. He was seeking a new vision and he asked God for confirmation.
I desire to be in this kind of relationship with God. I desire a reverence for God like no other. I want to be an obedient and thankful servant. I desperately yearn for a quietness with God that I might hear Him whisper. Whisper my name. Speak to my heart. Show me His glory.
In Him,
Why Listen to Jesus?
2 months ago
Powerful verses! Thank You God for KNOWING my name! I too want to see your glory!
Blessings to you Beth!
I want to know You Lord, like never before....more in love than yesterday.
Hugs Miss Beth,
Beth this is a great word for today. Oh that I would live only seeking the Glory of the Lord, with my eyes fixed. Have a great day Friend!
Yes he knew before all, Praise him and his name for knowing my name! Awesome God! Great post sister,
I felt as though I absorbed every word your wrote, greatgreat post
Have a blessed day'
Hugggsss and Love
Beautiful post... awesome reminder of the confidence we have in approaching the throne.
God Bless you,
This has become my favorite chapter [Exodus 33] in the entire Old Testament - for this part alone - because Moses had the guts to "ask"!
For the last 3 years I have followed in Moses' steps and asked God to show me His glory too! He does it every single day and always with surprise! And God was pleased to show it - for Moses and me [an you]!
Thanks for sharing it!
Looking Upward [seeking a glimpse of His glory] and Choosing JOY,
I love how those closest to God have no fear in asking for things that others would see as bold and rude! I want this too from God "to see His glory"!
Great post!!!! I wish the same. Thanks for sharing.
BTW, I left an award for you over at my blog. Your blog always brightens my day!
Hugs, Sandy
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