Have you ever had a hurtful experience with another person? Did you let it fester and grow? Did you let the ill feelings you had toward this other person rule your heart for a season? Did it seem like the friction between you and this person spiraled out of control?
We’ve have probably all experienced something similar to this in our lives at one time or another. We can all relate in some way to this. The problem doesn’t just lie with the fact that we have had a disagreement or difference of opinion with another person. The problem doesn’t even begin with the fact that we’ve been angry with someone. The problem goes much deeper than that.
The point where the problem starts and takes hold is when we allow those feelings to take precedence over our life in Christ. We can’t experience the fullness of Christ’s love for us or for others when we let our heart remain hardened to a person or persons. We absolutely cannot move forward in our Christian growth when we have this one area of our life that needs some attention and some healing! We can’t continue to let that anger fester and build. We can’t allow Satan to have control over that one area and think that he won’t sneak into others areas of our lives.
We have to stop trying to justify our feelings by placing the blame elsewhere. It is easy to point fingers, but we have to take the responsibility on our own shoulders and be willing to admit our role in the problem.
We need to admit the problem to ourselves.
We need to accept responsibility for it.
We need to confess it to God and the other person.
We need to reconcile it with them and ultimately with God.
This is something that I have had to do recently. I am not proud of the fact that I had to do it. I am ashamed that I let something take hold of my life and actions like that. But I am so thankful that the Lord is merciful and that He is the forgiver of sins. There is nothing quite as freeing as getting things right.
God calls us to make peace.
“How wonderful it is, how pleasant, when brothers live in harmony!” (Psalm 133:1)
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.” (Matthew 5:9)
“For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation.” (Ephesians 2:14)
In His Grip,
Why Listen to Jesus?
2 months ago
It's like driving a stake in the ground and attaching yourself to in. You only get so far and then it snaps you back. Until forgiveness takes place, the chain continues to hold you there - stuck! But when forgiveness comes, there is freedom! I praise God that you have been set free. Now let the peace that passes all understanding give you rest.
Blessings - Lisa
February is "forgiveness month" - so we can move into the rest of the year with JOY!
Looking Upward and Choosing JOY,
"Forgiveness is like the fragrance a flower gives off when it has been trampled under foot."
In His Grip as well, and Beth, I believe that isn't any place I would rather be.
Life is hard and even harder without Him.
Yes, I've been there and done that! Sometimes unforgiveness can be so hidden in our hearts.
Thank God for healing!
If any of your readers have a problem with forgiveness, I suggest "The Bait of Satan" by John Bevere.
Thanks for sharing this Beth! Nothing is so liberating as 'letting go' and 'letting God' do His perfect work!
Bless you,dear one,
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